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手機版:? 這已經是第7次國際刑事法庭提醒我... 請轉發.謝了。
送交者: 老樂譜 2019年04月19日08:18:44 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話
UNUN Human Rights UN Human Rights Council International Bar Association Amnesty International Amnesty International Canada International Criminal Court Canadian Government This is the 7th time! International Criminal Court' s message reminds me and these torturers who are living as my neighbors,  gathering around and in my workplace, and... " ICC is determined to put an end to impunity for the perpetrators of atrocious crimes, including genocide. Join us in ..." This direct message from UN Human Rights Office is as follows: " Exposure " to defend Human Rights." What happened and what are happening? UN Human Rights , International Rehabilitation Council for Torture, International Criminal Court , International Bar Association , former Mr. Attorney General of Canada, Ontario Ombudsman have everything I provided . What happened and what are happening? UN advised me to file complaints against them twice. What happened and what are happening? They are hacking UN, International Criminal Court, International Human Rights Community, and everything I am using, all VPNs, all Apps, all social medias. Fight for my life and fight against torture, I am not alone and I need your help. Robin Yan Canadian victim of torture April 20, 2019
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