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So you are surprised?
送交者: xinmin 2008月09月21日18:25:20 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 这里的基督徒,居然倒向美国的自由派和左派的怀抱.chenling 于 2008-09-20 07:48:41
The liberals and leftists occupy much of the media propaganda, except perhaps Fox news which leans to the right.

I have well-meaning Christians who are voting for Obama. I also know some who are voting for McCain.

Look, all the candidates are either Chrisitans (Obama, McCain, Palin) or Catholic (Biden). To have different opinion among Christians should not be taken as a surprise. What surprises me most is the vocal and sometime venomentous and vicious attacks to Christians by fellow Christians. Hebai is probably laughing....
  from my perspective - mean 09/21/08 (191)
    不过是一群自以为是以己为神的代表的垃圾  /无内容 - candle 09/21/08 (168)
      你不同意我列举的事实的话,请用事实来反驳. - chenling 09/21/08 (324)
        你列举的全是你自以为是的蛇蝎毒液,你自己说吧, - candle 09/21/08 (345)
          请指出哪些是偏见,哪些是攻击?或者是我捏造的?  /无内容 - chenling 09/21/08 (363)
            哪句不是?你真长的不是人眼看不见吗?  /无内容 - candle 09/21/08 (272)
              你了解这个OBAMA吗?你读过他的自传吗? - chenling 09/21/08 (285)
                我所知道的OBAMA是一个基督徒.你的种种诽谤不过 - candle 09/21/08 (311)
                  妳知道Obama 参加的教会是个怎么样的教会吗?  /无内容 - 诚之 09/23/08 (274)
                    你若是说OBAMA家太富,养尊处优, - candle 09/23/08 (162)
                    另,基督徒是用哪个教会教派定义的?保罗咋说的?  /无内容 - candle 09/23/08 (192)
                    现在的还是以前的?照老苗说的,他得是个JUMP大灰狼 - candle 09/23/08 (139)
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