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It turn out that those liberal
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2008月10月03日06:10:54 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 对,Palin表现超过一般人的预期caleb 于 2008-10-02 20:07:39
those liberals always bear evil hearts towards
the next female president of United
States of America.

Media have been trying their best to demonize
this brilliant woman by squeezing or dirty-mouthing her.

Please see her potential,
a mom of five children,
a woman of a small town,
a person educated in a 3rd class college,
I bet she has to spend a few more hours to put all those
cancer-induced chemical from hair to toe nails,
she could be working as a mayor, commissioner and a governor
at such a young age,
what is it possible to prevent her from being a capable vice president
and president?!

American do desperately want to have a female president,
Sarah Palin is coming out,
by all means any conservative politician is much less
harmful than a liberal one to the people, to the country and to the world.
  佩林就想用士兵的鲜血染红她的顶子,bear evil hea /无内容 - 真实话语 10/03/08 (225)
  really? another war to destroy - candle 10/03/08 (294)
    Politics should be like that - Yuehanmiao 10/03/08 (316)
      你正在拥抱魔鬼!布什搞垮美国经济,这是明显的事实  /无内容 - tda 10/03/08 (189)
      and, what you need is not - candle 10/03/08 (250)
      you messed up with the war.you - candle 10/03/08 (181)
      Liberals have NO extra pressur  /无内容 - Yuehanmiao 10/03/08 (184)
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