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送交者: nngzh 2009月02月03日05:42:40 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 我也没把握,不过,我会这样翻:诚之 于 2009-02-02 20:30:35
Why is Jesus so narrow minded?


In the bible we read Jesus repeatedly explaining himself to be the exclusive means of forgiveness. Jesus does not give room for any other paths to God. He is clear that things such as forgiveness, love, joy and heaven are found exclusively in him. According to Jesus any other ‘way’ is not a way at all but a sham; Jesus claims nothing less than exclusive authority and ability to save sinners. (Jn. 14.6; Mat. 7.13-14)

So to why is Jesus so narrow minded?

圣经里,我们看到,耶稣反复说自己是赦免的唯一之道。耶稣没有给任何其他到神那里的途径以余地。主的信息非常清楚,象赦免、爱、喜乐和天堂这样的事情,只有通过他才可以寻见。根据耶稣的教导,任何其他的“道路” 根本就不是路,不过是膺品。耶稣宣称除了那独一拯救罪人的权柄和能力以外,没有声称什么。(约翰福音14:6;马太福音7:13-14)


because there is only one God
The bible teaches that there are not many Gods but rather just one. And from this one God everything that has been made was made. This same God now sustains everything with his own power & sovereignty. People may claim that there are other Gods, however, God, in response, says that this is not true. God is intolerant of competition. (Is. 44.6-8; Acts 17.24-28)


圣经教导,没有许多神,而是只有一位神。所有的受造物都是由这一位神造的。同样是这位神,以他的大能和威荣保守一切。人可以声称有其他的一些神,但是,神对此的回应是,这是不对的。 神绝不容忍别神(以赛亚44:6-8;使徒行传17:24-28)

because of the high standards of God
God has made everything for himself, to give him pleasure. His standard is inflexible. He demands absolute perfection. The way in which this shows itself is by loving him with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength. This is shown through passionate devotion & obedience to God.

Even the slightest variation from God’s design is rebellion & God views rebellion as worse than treason. The consequence for rebellion is death; expressed now in terms of death, sickness, and inability to earn his favor, and ultimately in terms of eternal condemnation. Where perfect love for God is lacking certain & relentless divine judgment is present. (Mat. 22.36-40; Rom. 3.23; Rom. 6.23; Col. 1.16; Jam. 2.10)




because it is the truth
Jesus himself being God is perfect & cannot lie. So we must remember that if Jesus said it then it is true! Jesus became a man to live here on earth. In his life he showed perfect & sinless love through obedience to God. Jesus is the only substitute for rebels. Our responsibility as humanity is to please God according to his standards (this we did not do), however, Jesus did.

And further Jesus also satisfied the inflexible justice of God by bearing the eternal judgment of God on the cross. Jesus distinguishes himself as the only one eligible to live perfectly and pay adequately for rebels who stand in God’s righteous crosshairs. (2 Cor. 14.6; Tit. 1.2; Heb. 1.3)




JESUS’ narrow MESSAGE for everyone
God was satisfied with Jesus work furnishing proof by raising him from the dead. Now Jesus commands his followers to tell everyone the glorious truth that he is the only Savior; the only one who is able to give rebels forgiveness, life, joy & heaven.

This forgiveness is not automatic like voting when we are 18; instead it comes by recognizing Jesus as king & ruler over our lives. In doing this we turn from rebellion (sin) & turn to Jesus (submission). It is this posture of submission to Jesus as king & following him as Lord that characterizes the Christian life & gives God pleasure.

While there is not room on Jesus’ narrow road for other saviors, there is room for everyone who will come to him for life. Jesus’ truth telling then shows him to not only be the exclusive Savior, but the loving Savior! (Jn. 14.6; Acts 17.30-31; 1 Tim. 2.5; Jn. 3.16-18)



这个赦免不是自动拥有的,就如同你到18岁就自动拥有选举权一样。这个赦免是通过承认耶稣是我们生命的主、我们生命的王而临到我们。要做到这个,我们需要从背叛(就是罪) 中回转,转向耶稣(降服) 。正是这样降服的心志和作为主来跟随他,是基督徒的蒙神悦纳的特征。

在耶稣的窄路上没有为其他“救主们” 留下余地的同时,却又有充分的空间容纳每一个愿意到他那里得生命的人。这样,耶稣真理的宣告显明他不仅是唯一的救主,也是爱爱救主(约翰福音14:6;使徒行传17:30-31;提摩太前书2:5;约翰福音3:16-18)
  为主席这么努力鼓下掌。 /无内容 - 柯思炫 02/03/09 (282)
    姐妹你默写错12个就喊羞愧 - nngzh 02/03/09 (282)
      谢谢弟兄。我做了一些修正。请指正。 - 诚之 02/03/09 (315)
        译得太棒了!!!  /无内容 - 百万个为什么 02/03/09 (220)
        受教了。谢谢诚之兄 - nngzh 02/03/09 (209)
          您太客气啦!真的很感谢!我也还在摸索翻译的事  /无内容 - 诚之 02/03/09 (191)
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