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這篇文章的腦洞不是一般的大,而是相當的大! 阿古同意嗎?😎
送交者: repentant 2019月09月02日18:36:25 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 跟瘟豬兩悶棍打得滿地找牙👈從上而生 於 2019-09-02 12:19:49

The clause who bought them presents difficulties for the interpreter. Can those whom Christ has redeemed ever be lost? Did the false teachers lose their salvation? 


Some commentators assert that "Christ bought them at the tremendous price of his blood to be his own forever." 


But the fact that the teachers faced swift destruction contradicts this interpretation. 


 Commenting on this clause, Henry Alford confidently states, "No assertion of universal redemption can be plainer than this." 


But if Jesus had given these teachers eternal life, they would never have fallen away. Scripture clearly teaches that those people to whom Jesus has given eternal life "shall never perish" (John 10:28; also see Rom. 8:29-30, 32-35; Eph. 1:3-14).


Although Christ's death was sufficient to redeem the whole world, its efficiency comes to light only in God's chosen people. 

錯! 耶穌事實上付了萬人贖價。

Were the false teachers recipients of God's saving grace? Apparently not, for they repudiated Christ.

當然收到救恩了! 買都買了,都重生了。

 If we look at the words "denying the sovereign Lord who bought them" in the light of the broader context, we discover a clue. We notice that at one time these false teachers professed the name of Christ, for they said that they knew him and the way of righteousness (2:20-21). They made it known that Jesus had bought them, but they eventually rejected Christ and left the Christian community. As John writes, "They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us" (I John 2:19; and see Heb. 6:4-6; 10:26-29). Hence, their denial of Christ showed that they were not redeemed.    

又是自稱基督徒,哈哈! 回主貼找劈去!


    阿古的乾嚎,是正宗的腦補系列產品之一。  /無內容 - repentant 09/03/19 (142)
      抽的就是你👇這不認聖經的貨! 認錯!!  /無內容 - repentant 09/03/19 (135)
      回到👆找抽去  /無內容 - 從上而生 09/03/19 (120)
  作者不出所料的否認了經文中的bought ,篡改聖經! /無內容 - repentant 09/02/19 (138)
    客觀說,作者沒有否認bought,而是完全逃避了😅  /無內容 - repentant 09/02/19 (123)
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