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DB Wallace: theopneustos
送交者: 從上而生 2020年05月29日22:15:59 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話

2 Tim 3:16πᾶσα γραφὴ θεόπνευστος καὶ ὠφέλιμος

every scripture is inspired and profitable

Many scholars feel that the translation should be: “Every inspired scripture is also profitable.” This is probably not the best translation, however, for the following reasons: (1) Contextually: (a) Among those who see the Pastorals as authentic, the argument has been that Paul would not need to assert the inspiration of scripture to Timothy. Indeed, that the author might be doing so here has been used as an argument against authenticity. But it is possible for the Pastorals to be both authentic and for the apostle to be making an assertion: He has a habit of reminding Timothy of truths he already knows, such as that Jesus Christ was raised from the dead and that Paul himself was a minister of the gospel to the Gentiles. Thus, as Fairbairn points out, “it could not be superfluous to impress upon him a sense of the divine character of Old Testament Scripture.”55 (b) If the author were merely asserting the profitableness of scripture, then what would be the basis for his very forceful command in 4:1–2? Could he “solemnly charge [Timothy] in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, [to] preach the word” if he had simply asserted that scripture is profitable?

(2) Grammatically: (a) The fact that v 16 is asyndetic (i.e., begins without a conjunction) cannot be due to new subject matter, but to the solemnity of the statement because the author had been discussing the holy writings in v 15. Thus seeing θεόπνευστος as predicate fits in better with the solemn tone established at the beginning of the verse. (b) Since the copula is lacking, it needs to be supplied in English. And the most natural place to supply the equative verb is between the subject and the first word that follows it. It is in fact significant that an author typically leaves out the copula when he assumes the audience knows where it naturally should go. (c) The fact that καί means “and” twelve times as often as it means “also,” as well as the fact that it is unnatural to translate it adverbially as “also” between two adjectives in the same case, argues for a predicate θεόπνευστος. (d) Since the article may be anaphoric when referring back to a synonym, and since the author has been discussing the scriptures with three different synonyms in this context (vv 15, 16, and 4:2), it seems likely that the article is anaphoric in 4:2 when he declares, “Preach the word!” (κήρυξον τὸν λόγον). If the writer had said that only inspired scripture was profitable in 3:16 and then tells his reader(s) to preach all scripture (= “the word”), it might be a misleading statement, for [Timothy] might inadvertently preach some scripture that was not inspired. But since the writer leaves λόγον unqualified apart from the fact that it referred back to γραφή of v 16, it is perhaps likely that he meant to make an assertion about all scripture in v 16, viz., that it is inspired. (e) Finally, what bears on the relation of adj. to noun most directly: In the NT, LXX, in classical and Koine Greek, the overwhelming semantic force of an adj.-noun-adj. construction in an equative clause is that the first adj. will be attributive and the second will be predicate. There are almost 50 instances in the NT and LXX in which the second adj. in such a construction is predicate and the first is attributive (39 of which involve πᾶς before the noun; most in the LXX) and none on the other side. The evidence is so overwhelming that we may suggest a “rule”: In πᾶς+ noun + adjective constructions in equative clauses the πᾶς, being by nature as definite as the article, implies the article, thus making the adjective(s) following the noun outside the implied article-noun group and, therefore, predicate. In the least, the evidence renders translations of this verse such as the NEB’s (“every inspired scripture has its use”) highly suspect.

 Wallace, D. B. (1996). Greek Grammar beyond the Basics: An Exegetical Syntax of the New Testament (pp. 313–314). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.

    神總是為祂自己的名保羅余民不向巴力屈膝  /無內容 - 從上而生 05/30/20 (79)
      這個問題提的好!這證明教義顯然有人的工。 - repentant 05/30/20 (86)
        是的,你頂上貼出來的就是人工的,而且是T人的工  /無內容 - 從上而生 05/30/20 (59)
      甚至聖經也是用作者自己的特色語言寫成的! - YeSuShiZhu 05/30/20 (68)
        唯一表述,比如TULIP? - ardmore 05/30/20 (72)
          人選神,墮落後揀選,一丘之貉,都違背 - YeSuShiZhu 05/31/20 (89)
            又一個貽笑大方 - ardmore 06/01/20 (90)
              「墮落後神選說*」與「墮落前神選說*」 〗 - YeSuShiZhu 06/01/20 (402)
            小a的邏輯是:因為有了魔鬼的教義,所以純正教義也必定不是聖靈 - 從上而生 06/01/20 (84)
              在聖靈帶領下做基督聖潔的新婦  /無內容 - YeSuShiZhu 06/02/20 (64)
          他的意思是“純正的”只有一個,對任何一個議題,教會裡都會有 - 從上而生 05/30/20 (66)
      這是一個很自然的問題,是一個很應該要問的問題 - 從上而生 05/30/20 (56)
        等於沒回答,失望的答案 - ardmore 05/30/20 (68)
          沒有按照你墮落的思維回答就等於沒回答? - 從上而生 05/30/20 (68)
            再問一遍,事不過三 - ardmore 05/30/20 (54)
              推而廣之,傅萊姆所提出的36年以來改革宗內部21項教義之爭, - nngzh 05/30/20 (86)
                經文很清楚:女人不可按立為牧師長老,不能教導轄制男人。 - weak 05/30/20 (67)
                  在這個教義上墮落是從伊甸園開始,必將成為21世紀爭議最大的教 - 從上而生 05/30/20 (77)
                    吃祭偶像之物的小心了。 - weak 05/30/20 (86)
                      保羅並沒有說可以吃祭偶像之物,違反耶路撒冷大會決議 - weak 05/30/20 (97)
                        讀經吧!謝謝 - nngzh 05/30/20 (87)
                          那請你學保羅,叫我們喜歡。我認為按立女牧師就是出於耶洗別邪靈 - weak 05/30/20 (89)
                            咦,俺啥時候同意按立女牧師了?您能舉證一下嗎? - nngzh 05/30/20 (102)
                              你沒有很好。我認為同性婚姻與可以按立女牧師是一回事。 - weak 05/30/20 (94)
                                他可以把任何教義問題降為祭肉級別,但只要跟他剛上了,隨時升級 - 從上而生 05/30/20 (88)
                                  從歷史開始,別人爭,他就是比別人都高,你們都不全備。和他爭, - weak 05/30/20 (79)
              你自己去看小要理是如何回答的:“在萬古之先”☝️ - 從上而生 05/30/20 (101)
                俺的說法有出處,請看 - ardmore 05/30/20 (83)
                  你能指出“20問的答案中更明顯是以“墮落後神選說”為前提嗎? - 從上而生 05/30/20 (77)
                    貽笑大方 - ardmore 05/30/20 (93)
                      哦,稀奇了:墮落前後不指“時間”?願聞其詳  /無內容 - 從上而生 05/30/20 (61)
                        Logical order of God\'s decrees - weak 05/30/20 (73)
                          是啊,即使是邏輯上的時間先後,也是時間先後啊 - 從上而生 05/30/20 (58)
                            這個我不sure。我隨多特信經。巴文克的我可以接受。 - weak 05/31/20 (73)
                    貽笑大方 - ardmore 05/30/20 (59)
  和合本譯作“默示”的經文 - 從上而生 05/29/20 (117)
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