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Jesus' Second Coming and Mille
送交者: 雅1 2010年10月05日10:32:13 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話

Jesus' Second Coming and Millennialism
I have heard the term "pre-millennialism" when discussing Jesus' return to earth. I understand that the Lutheran church does not hold to the view that Christ will one day rule on earth physically from Jerusalem for 1,000 years. Can you give some Scripture verses to support the Lutheran viewpoint that does not believe in His 1,000 year reign, or perhaps more specifically, why we DO believe that it will be more of a "judgment DAY" than anything else?

You ask an important question that deserves an adequate answer. What you are experiencing (as disclosed in your "context" comments aside from your question) as you read the book of Isaiah is the same thing any thinking and alert Bible student will experience. The challenge here and now is that a really adequate and helpful answer must be longer and must involve more Scripture (as well as a review of sound principles of Bible interpretation) than this Q&A format can handle.

The entire topic deserves your thorough and diligent evaluation of the presuppositions involved as well as approaches to a variety of passages. I counsel you not to take shortcuts in this. You would then invite confusion or a superficial agreement with misinformation because of first impressions drawn from the texts, impressions that fail to consider the context of the rest of Scripture. I heartily recommend that you consider a document prepared within the LCMS over 20 years ago. It may be accessed and downloaded by clicking here(http://www.lcms.org/graphics/assets/media/CTCR/endtme-2.pdf). This is 65 pages long, but worth it. You will also likely find benefit in borrowing material from your pastor's library. He will have many items to help you. Be patient in your studies. Enjoy the insights that will come through comparing Scripture with Scripture all along the way.

Having said that, I address your questions:

The idea of a millennium on earth following a secret rapture and prior to the Last Day contradicts clear and unmistakable Bible teachings, such as: Luke 17:20-21 and John 18:36 that make it clear Christ's kingdom is not a visible, earthly one; John 5:28-29 that makes it clear there is ONE future bodily resurrection, not multiple ones as millennialism demands; and Hebrews 9:27-28 which says Christ will return a second and final time rather than multiple times as demanded by millennial and dispensational schemes. These lead us to reject the millennial system of thought and its definition of Christ's "1,000 rule."
As may already be obvious, we believe that the kingdom or rule portrayed in the various apocalyptic visions of the Old Testament prophets (including Isaiah) and mentioned in Revelation 20 refers to something else. We see these texts in their contexts and genres of prophecy as portrayals of the New Testament age as Christ rules and grants blessings of peace and joy to his people.
We emphasize Judgment DAY because the Bible repeatedly does so, Matthew 25 and Acts 17:31.

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