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Difference between new Christ and impostors
送交者: 朱中卿 2017年05月26日09:51:06 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話

The distinct difference between the true Messiah (the new Christ) and the impostors

There is only one true Messiah (New Christ), and 1000 false ones. Although there are many impostors, it is still easy to find the true Messiah, because the true Messiah has a distinct distinction from the impostors.

1. All who are like Jesus are false. They modeled themselves as new Christ in the manner of Jesus Christ, but not knowing this was enough to prove them to be phony. God does not make repeated arrangements. The new Christ is not a religious figure like Jesus, but a scholar and a thinker. So the imposters played the wrong object.

2. The new Christ is the Wonderful Counselor, the word of God is powerful. For the major problems of human society, if new Christ could not come up with effective solutions, then how can he be called Wonderful Counselor? Then he is not eligible to become the new Christ. So the new Christ who appear now must have solution to the economic crisis and the debt crisis at least, this is the basic condition as the wonderful counselor. The impostors are only good at “saving souls”, and are only good at repeating Jesus's work. God does not make repeated arrangements. Jesus did the work of Jesus, and the new Christ did the other work of the new Christ, and the impostors repeated the work of Jesus.

3. The new Christ is the general saint of all main religions in the world, and he must conform to the prophecies of all main religions at the same time. Jesus came here for the first time as a Christian saint, and when he come second times, he should be promoted to the general saint of all religions. The person who undertakes the task of "breaking all the countries for one country" undoubtedly should be the person who "leads all the religions" such that he can develop his work more convenient. So the new Christ will be the saint of all main religions in the world, able to conform to the prophecies of all main religions at the same time, recognized by all main religions; "he has many crowns on his head."". The imposters also claimed that they conform to the predictions, however when you look at it, you will find that they cannot meet any major predictions.

So, the new role and work of new Christ is obviously different from Jesus’s , he is a scholar of solving big social problems, is a wonderful counselor. He is able to conform to the prophecies of all religions and is a common saint of all religions.

The impostors follow Jesus's role and act, and they repeat the work of Jesus.


The true Messiah (the new Christ) has come again in 2002. His detailed evidence is here


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