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to brother mean: on TULIP
送交者: labri 2017年09月18日08:09:25 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

Let us forget the difference in the attitude toward TULIP and focus on the content and purpose of TULIP.

The very purpose of TULIP: credit of salvation and glory to the grace, our Lord.

TULIP is self-conteained in content except it directing itself to the glory of God.

The U in the TULIP explicitly exculdes TULIP as the saving criteria. If TULIP is, as delcleared, the saving criteria, is is condictional and TULIP is nor hold true.

Please examine the logic carefully.  TULIP is true, which is testfied by its purpose and content which prohibits itself from being wrongly declared.

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