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送交者: 谨守 2024年01月15日14:28:13 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话


b.   Qualitative Predicate Nominatives

John 1:14        ὁ λόγος σὰρξ ἐγένετο

the Word became flesh

The idea is not that the Word became “the flesh,” nor “a flesh,” but simplyflesh.” That is, the Word partook of humanity. Many pre-1933 exegetes (i.e., before Colwell’s rule was published) saw a parallel between this verse and John 1:1, noting that both PNs were qualitative.[1]


The noun σὰρξ is anarthrous and comes before the verb ἐγένετο. Therefor it fits Colwell’s construction, indicating PN was qualitative.

因此,这里ὁ λόγος σὰρξ ἐγένετο没有中文翻译对现代中国人所理解的那种“道被变成了肉身”的那个意思,而是“the Word partook of humanity(神性的)道融入了人性”的意思。

καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος

c.   Is Θεός in John 1:1c Qualitative?

The most likely candidate for θεός is qualitative. This is true both grammatically (for the largest proportion of pre-verbal anarthrous predicate nominatives fall into this category) and theologically (both the theology of the Fourth Gospel and of the NT as a whole). There is a balance between the Word’s deity, which was already present in the beginning (ἐν ἀρχῇ … θεὸς ἦν [1:1], and his humanity, which was added later (σὰρξ ἐγένετο [1:14]). The grammatical structure of these two statements mirrors each other; both emphasize the nature of the Word, rather than his identity. But θεός was his nature from eternity (hence, εἰμί is used), while σάρξ was added at the incarnation (hence, γίνομαι is used).

Such an option does not at all impugn the deity of Christ. Rather, it stresses that, although the person of Christ is not the person of the Father, their essence is identical. Possible translations are as follows: “What God was, the Word was” (NEB), or “the Word was divine” (a modified Moffatt). In this second translation, “divine” is acceptable only if it is a term that can be applied only to true deity. However, in modern English, we use it with reference to angels, theologians, even a meal! Thus “divine” could be misleading in an English translation. The idea of a qualitative θεός here is that the Word had all the attributes and qualities that “the God” (of 1:1b) had. In other words, he shared the essence of the Father, though they differed in person. The construction the evangelist chose to express this idea was the most concise way he could have stated that the Word was God and yet was distinct from the Father.[2]

1:14 Ἐγένετο, see v. 3. Here this verb does not mean “became” in the sensewas changed into,” as when a chrysalis is changed into a butterfly and thereby ceases to be a chrysalis, but has the sensetook on” or “assumed,” of the assuming of a new, additional form of existence, as when a woman becomes the mother of her firstborn. Part of the wonder of the incarnation is that the new form of existence the Logos assumed at that time was not temporary and reversible, but permanent and irreversible. Jesus Christ is permanently the “God-Man” (θεάνθρωπος, Leontius of Byzantium). See further, M. J. Harris, From Grave to Glory. Resurrection in the New Testament (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1990), 413–15. The Logos became what he was not (σάρξ) without ceasing to be what he was (θεός, v. 1). To his existence as a fully divine person was added existence as a fully human person (σάρξ, “flesh”; nom. as complementary pred.). “The Word became a human being” (LN 13.48; 33.100). John is not affirming that an impersonal universal Logos became incarnate in the person of Jesus Christ, but rather that the personal, individualized Logos assumed a complete and genuine human existence.[3]


The Word was changed into the humanity. 变成了人性。——错误的译法

The Word took on the humanity. 予了人性

The Word assumed the humanity. 承担人性


24.20  Traditionally, we have taught that the aorist passive was distinct from the aorist middle, and Greek was a three-voice sytem. The θη forms indicated aorist passive.

In this case, it is difficult to determine if a verb is passive deponent. You have to look at its meaning and the context to make a decision.

οὕτως εὐδοκία ἐγένετο ἔμπροσθέν σου (Matt 11:26).

Such was your gracious will.

ἐφοβήθη τὸν ὄχλον, ὅτι ὡς προφήτην αὐτὸν εἶχον (Matt 14:5).

He feared the people because they thought he was a prophet.

The more common verbs with aorist passive deponent forms include ἀποκρίνομαι (ἀπεκρίθην), γίνομαι (ἐγενήθην), δύναμαι (ἠδυνήθην), and πορεύομαι (ἐπορεύθην).[4]

John 1:14        ὁ λόγος σὰρξ ἐγένετο中间的ἐγένετο没有被动的意思,因为该字没有被动式的过去时动词所需要的θη形式。而γίνομαι 被用于过去时的被动式时,会是ἐγενήθην,这个字出现在以弗所书3:7,“我作了这福音的执事,是照神的恩赐。这恩赐是照他运行的大能赐给我的。”

οὗ ἐγενήθην διάκονος κατὰ τὴν δωρεὰν τῆς χάριτος τοῦ θεοῦ τῆς δοθείσης μοι κατὰ τὴν ἐνέργειαν τῆς δυνάμεως αὐτοῦ.[5]


Of this gospel I was made a minister according to the gift of God’s grace, which was given me by the working of his power. [6]

[1] Daniel B. Wallace, Greek Grammar beyond the Basics: An Exegetical Syntax of the New Testament (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1996), 264.

[2] Daniel B. Wallace, Greek Grammar beyond the Basics: An Exegetical Syntax of the New Testament (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1996), 269.

[3] Murray J. Harris, John, Exegetical Guide to the Greek New Testament (B&H Academic, 2015), 35.

[4] William D. Mounce, Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar, ed. Verlyn D. Verbrugge and Christopher A. Beetham, Fourth Edition. (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2019), 269.

[5] Barbara Aland et al., eds., The Greek New Testament, Fifth Revised Edition. (Stuttgart, Germany: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 2014), Eph 3:7.

[6] The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2016), Eph 3:7.

  啥都沒說啊?一堆資料而已。這就搞定了?  /无内容 - oldfish 01/15/24 (22)
      我才貼一帖,你貼差不多30倍 - oldfish 01/17/24 (7)
        没有办法:保罗让我用爱心说诚实话,见👆  /无内容 - 谨守 01/17/24 (2)
        他就是一个话痨,基本不受控 - nngzh 01/17/24 (8)
          纯正福音TULIP的第一步就是要对方明白他肩膀上的头是T型的  /无内容 - 谨守 01/17/24 (2)
          我不以福音为羞耻、、、我若不传就有祸了、、、  /无内容 - 谨守 01/17/24 (5)
            假货冒充真货的时候都是这么絮絮叨叨自称的 :) - nngzh 01/17/24 (4)
              从未见过真货的宣称别人的是假货,这个逻辑很有意思😂  /无内容 - 谨守 01/17/24 (4)
                罗十8-10的真光照出你们几个自以为真货的假福音,可奇怪吗? - nngzh 01/17/24 (5)
                  将罗3节跟TULIP对立这个事实就暴露了你的T脑😂  /无内容 - 谨守 01/17/24 (4)
                    你们几个一直试图混淆的是 - nngzh 01/17/24 (11)
                      Beeke传假福音?  /无内容 - 谨守 01/17/24 (3)
                      Boice传假福音?  /无内容 - 谨守 01/17/24 (2)
                      司布真传假福音????  /无内容 - 谨守 01/17/24 (3)
    ὁ λόγος σὰρξ ἐγένετο主语很清楚不可置换☝  /无内容 - 谨守 01/16/24 (3)
    连 partake 最基本的两个意思都没有弄明白 - 克利西亚 01/15/24 (13)
            拒绝福音下地狱吗?我只是认为福音本质就是TULIP。 - weak 01/16/24 (9)
              別跟在謹守屁股後面跳大神了 - oldfish 01/17/24 (9)
                自己跟着李常受死不悔改,就依此猜度别人 - 追求永生 01/17/24 (6)
                  死鱼靠贩卖这些东西活着  /无内容 - 谨守 01/17/24 (2)
                噎,死鱼不是走了吗?念念不忘谨守的教训?  /无内容 - 谨守 01/17/24 (2)
              N不过是罗3节死徒,因为他甚至连这3节都不懂,罗10章前后到 - 谨守 01/17/24 (4)
              你们几个是传假福音的问题,谁更恶劣呢?! - nngzh 01/16/24 (6)
                你傻到连TULIP压倒性滴包含了罗3节都不知道,整一个白痴  /无内容 - 谨守 01/16/24 (5)
                  你们那假福音,大概也只能靠这些污言秽语推销了 - nngzh 01/16/24 (17)
                    和司布真传的一样。司布真传的是假福音吗?  /无内容 - weak 01/16/24 (6)
                      N的思维体系到处漏风,他顾此失彼疲于奔命地堵漏。他并不明白司 - 谨守 01/17/24 (4)
                    总之,你们仨就是T脑的代言人:贴或译很多东西,肚里却是空空  /无内容 - 谨守 01/16/24 (5)
                      实在是太畸形了☝🏻  /无内容 - 谨守 01/16/24 (2)
                    你们或者都一样,都是为了沽名钓誉而活,真可耻  /无内容 - 谨守 01/16/24 (2)
                    你们这种人活着干啥?自我了结得了  /无内容 - 谨守 01/16/24 (2)
                    老鱼要么看不懂主帖,要么看懂了不悔改亵渎圣灵。鱼克N其实都一 - 谨守 01/16/24 (2)
                    鱼、克、N,仨贴匠,没有一个人真正能“传”福音的,根本没有能 - 谨守 01/16/24 (4)
                    从来没有看见过你传真福音,冯东西是真福音?  /无内容 - 谨守 01/16/24 (2)
          而且他们贼溜溜的作风都一模一样:知道理亏了,脚踩西瓜皮开溜  /无内容 - 谨守 01/16/24 (2)
          他们就是对中国成语“同流合污”的最佳诠释  /无内容 - 谨守 01/16/24 (2)
      你想翻译成啥意思吧😄你认为那是你强项,就显露一下呗  /无内容 - 谨守 01/15/24 (2)
    伙计,赶紧改名吧,叫deadfish😄  /无内容 - 谨守 01/15/24 (4)
      老夫开始怀疑你的精神状态了  /无内容 - oldfish 01/15/24 (5)
        那是当然滴,不抹黑我,怎么洗白你?  /无内容 - 谨守 01/15/24 (2)
    明眼人一看就知道,直戳要害😄  /无内容 - 谨守 01/15/24 (2)
    彼得这是明显在警告那条死鱼☝️  /无内容 - 谨守 01/15/24 (2)
  就没打算让死鱼活着的意思😂  /无内容 - 谨守 01/15/24 (2)
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