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16.10 法云地 Juristic Clouds Heartland
送交者: 卢岩 2024年04月01日06:03:47 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话


Tang Tripitaka said, great juristic intellectual clouds containing crowds’ virtuous waters, like empty roughs and heavies, fulfill the juristic body, hence the name of Juristic Clouds Heartland. Sounds pretty good, but what is the great juristic intellectual clouds?


In Illustration 16.10-1 to 22, and Figures 35 to 41, all originate from ancient Mexico, and are illustrations in the story "The Sun Stone" in Chapter 18 of this book. The protagonist Mexico in the story, as shown in Figures 35, 36, and 37, are all portraits of him, is a Gold Boy (Adam), a real person of a Buddha such as Shakyamuni.

16.10 法云地 Juristic Clouds Heartland.jpg


According to Mexican legend, Mexico never recovered from his godfather's sacrifice to save the world for the rest of his life; there were always clouds above his head and it rained often in his world. This is the origin of the great juristic intellectual clouds. The author I think one of the reasons for the clouds of sorrow in Mexico's heart was that he had to explain clearly what God is; it is a difficult task to make God's performance clear! The reader may be wondering, how did these great juristic intellectual clouds become one of the goals pursued by Buddhism? Answer: Buddhism is based on this Great Sorrowful Heart, and the Great Sorrowful Social Honor is another juristic fame for Shakyamuni Buddha.

16.10.1 智渡 Intelligence Ark


Tenth land Bodhisattvas study and practice Intelligence Ark. Intelligence Ark is by selective law as nature, has two types: Intelligence of Accepting and Enjoying Law, Intelligence of Maturing Sentients. So, what is Intelligence Ark? Illustration 35 is a statue of Mexico (a Tlaloc). The corners of his mouth drooped, indicating that he was worried and thinking about ancient Tlaloc. The ancient Tlaloc was also worried, thinking about how to write an epitaph for his own godfather because his tombstone was blank.

近代德国哲学家黑格尔曾说,“即便一个人懂上帝,他需要有很强的语言能力才能描述出上帝。”古人懂得这个道理,办法是用金童(亚当)和玉女(夏娃)两个人来完成对上帝的塑造。这样上帝就成为了两组三合和:三识组合 {神识(无意识的纯净部分),亚当识(无意识的污染部分),前意识(夏娃识)} 和三人组合 {教父,亚当(金童),夏娃(玉女)}(具体内容参见10.9 节《三位一体》)。

The modern German philosopher Hegel once said, "Even if a person understands God, he needs to have strong language skills to describe God." The ancients understood this truth by using two people, Gold Boy (Adam) and Jade Girl (Eve) to complete the shaping of God. God thus becomes the sum of two trinities: the sense triad {God-sense (the immaculate part of unconsciousness), Adam-sense (the maculate part of unconsciousness), Eve-sense (preconsciousness)}, and human triad {Godfather, Adam (Gold Boy), Eve (Jade Girl)}, (see section 10.9 "Trinity" for details).

约在公元1325年,墨西哥(即亚当、金童、特拉洛克, 如图35)把舍利王是上帝的发现告诉了妻子翠玉女(即玉女、夏娃、织女,如图38)。翠玉女凭借着她强大的语言能力和逻辑思维能力,把上帝的事迹编织成了一个网状的故事,如图394041。就这样大法智云变成了《墨西哥法典》(如图40)。

Around 1325 CE, Mexico (i.e. Adam, Gold Boy, and Tlaloc, as shown in Figure 35) told his wife Chalchiuhtlicue (i.e., Jade Girl, Eve, and Weaver Girl, as shown in Figure 38) that her father Huitzilopochtli is God. With her strong language skills and logical thinking ability, Chalchiuhtlicue weaved God's deeds into web-like stories, as shown in Figures 39, 40, and 41. Thus, the Juristic Clouds became the "Mexican Codex" (Figure 40).


According to Mexican lore, the Mexican Codex connects all the knowledge (all the juristic cases) needed for a person's life in a line (as shown by the string at the right end of Fig. 15) based on the favor grudge love and revenge among Huitzilopochtli, Mexico, and Chalchiuhtlicue. Illustrations 1 through 22 are the 22 key juristic cases painted by Mexico, which are the 22 Buddha’s pearls (also known as Sky Pearls). Ancient people often carved similar diagrams into artifacts to make portable objects, such as staffs (e.g., Figures 47 and 48), or into Buddhist beads (e.g., Figure 46). Illustration 45 is a traditional Chinese cultural representation of Figures 1 through 22. Unfortunately, the Mexican Codex had been burned by the Spanish colonialists. Chapter 18 of this book, "The Sun Stone", is a re-creation of the Mexican Codex by the author, which I used as one of the Intellectual Arks for this book.


Illustration 42 is of Egyptian Eve. The three lotus flowers on her head represent God, Adam, and Eve. Modern archaeologists have dug out dozens of "Book of Death" (i.e., the autobiography of Adam) or "Book of Life" (i.e., the autobiography of Eve) from graves; but unfortunately, no one in modern society can read ancient Egyptian writings.


Figure 43 shows the ancient Sumerian queen Kubaba, daughter of Allah, Eve, and the Guanyin (i.e. View-Sound) Bodhisattva in Chinese Buddhism. The two sunflowers on her hat and the six dots above represent the two sets of godly trinities: sense trinity and human trinity.


The six flowers above Figure 44 represent the two sets of godly trinities, and the two goats are Tanngnjóstr (i.e., Gold Boy, Adam) and Tanngrisnir (i.e., Jade Girl, Eve) created by Thor, see Section 15.3 Human Sky Fruit.

16.10.2 诸法中未得自在 Hindrances of Insufficient Laws


Tenth land Bodhisattvas break off the Hindrance of Insufficient Laws. The saying is that among Know Hindrances, a First Quadrant aggregately born has the Bodhisattva not self-sufficient among laws. That hindrance hinders “Great Juristic Intelligence-Clouds, and their contents and arousing affairs. When Boddhisatva enters the tenth land, that hindrance is severed for ever. Thus, we say that the tenth land Bodhisattva cuts off the two fools and their roughs and heavies.



(1) Fool of Great Divine Power, that is the one hinders arousing careers and undertakings in this.

(2) Fool of perceiving into the Subtle Secrets, that is the one in this hinders the great juristic intelligence-clouds and it contains.

16.10.3 业自在等所依真如 True Suchness Equally depended by Sufficient Karma


Tenth land Bodhisattvas have testified and gained “True Suchness Equally Depended by Sufficient Karma”, have been self-sufficient on “all generally-hold still-doors” of all godly works. So, what is this true suchness? Of course, it is unconsciousness, which collects, stores, and initiates various karmas. However, all karmas need to be testified by the practitioner himself. For example, in Figures 1 to 22, the practitioner needs to testify them himself or herself. Only then will the unconsciousness be the True Suchness Equally depended by Sufficient Karma.

↪️返回总第16章道谛的目录↪️Return to Content of Chapter 16 Path Crux.

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