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Really really sorry!
送交者: exxnz 2006年08月09日11:48:04 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

I guess I happened to read your post to Candle immediately after you posted it, which of course I didn't know then. There wasn't your post to me yet. That's how my tease upstairs came out, which was obviously thoughtless enough to offend you. Please forgive me, dear brother!

However, I am not in favor of differentiating the classess in Christian brethren, as you subconsciously did in your comment on a_Peter the other day. When I had fellowship with some brothers and sisters from the Local Church in China, I was given some similar teaching. I didn't and still don't think it is biblical, though I had nothing personal against those dear brothers and sisters.

May God bless you!

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