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送交者: guomingjie 2009年04月15日12:30:01 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
Marriage NOW and THEN The first marriage was a model, since then everything has been changing. Now two sinners are dealing with the same issue, one has to know the FACT: 1. it is 21st century 2. two sinners no longer have FREE-WILL 3. Hollywood became counselor of marriage if one has a happy marriage, praise Lord, it is His blessing, if one has a broken marriage, pity on you, it is time for you to wake up and learn the rule of marriage, between the two parties neither of them is INNOCENT, however, never too late to EMBRACE God's blessing, God is great and God is good, He never ignore any SIN, bigger one or smaller one, He never ignore any REPENTOR, Do you know God's Common Grace on marriage? No? Listen up please: 1. natural law--opposite-sexual-mutual-attraction 2. natural law--active-period-stability 3. natural law--mutual-possession Do you know the common ground on marriage? No? Listen up please: A sealed deal Do you know the common sense on marriage? No? Listen up please: Never try to obtain any benefit outside In short: I strongly support re-marrying after divorce no matter what reason, I strongly admire being single, I strongly encourage re-conciliation in less than perfect situation, I strongly abandon those who use LOVE often but no clue about Hollywood version and Holy version
    EX-christian knew nothing abou - guomingjie 04/15/09 (216)
  老苗好久沒露面了呵,又換馬甲樂,問候一下。  /無內容 - 羅七 04/15/09 (364)
    我是 郭鳴潔, 謝謝。謝謝.謝謝. - guomingjie 04/15/09 (395)
      不打自招,老苗招牌式簽名別人學都學不來的.  /無內容 - candle 04/15/09 (372)
        以斯帖記 - guomingjie 04/16/09 (390)
          謝謝,謝謝,謝謝,我一排字兒沒看完就放棄了. - candle 04/16/09 (233)
        我是 郭鳴潔, 謝謝。謝謝.謝謝.  /無內容 - guomingjie 04/16/09 (238)
      這麼多晃眼的謝謝,禮多人不怪  /無內容 - beiqian 04/15/09 (252)
        我是 郭鳴潔, 謝謝。謝謝.謝謝.  /無內容 - guomingjie 04/16/09 (180)
      對不起,認錯人了。  /無內容 - 羅七 04/15/09 (286)
        我是 郭鳴潔, 謝謝。沒關係.謝謝.BYE-BYE 謝謝  /無內容 - guomingjie 04/15/09 (296)
          別跑!你還欠我一頓抓飯吶!  /無內容 - 爛石頭 04/15/09 (294)
            飯? no problem, 郭 Jie3 Mei4 is - guomingjie 04/16/09 (326)
              millions of thanks! - Lanstone 04/16/09 (333)
                not out of curiosity - guomingjie 04/16/09 (284)
                  在中國,男女比例是107:100,而且大多數女的 - 無為 04/16/09 (361)
                    even 143:100 as reported - guomingjie 04/16/09 (337)
            我是 郭鳴潔, 謝謝。謝謝.謝謝.  /無內容 - guomingjie 04/16/09 (234)
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