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送交者: Country 2012年06月11日12:07:00 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話

If someone killed my wife and sister


I am OK for my heart since the love from the Jesus Christ and feel no painful in my life. I will not 私下報仇.  I also try my best to tell him that I already forgive him and please come on. I would like to tell him that the gospel that he will go to hell for his sins without Jesus Christ. He is not required to say sorry for me because I already "forgive" him. However, he should say sorry to the family of my wife and the husband of my sister becasue I have no right to replace them about the forgive. Also he still has the debt for the court, 法官 still have the right to 判決他. He is still a sinner. I will try my best 提供線索協助檢控官 to 偵緝 him. 會誠實在法庭作供盡上帝子民責任維護公義. Of course ,我會向法官求情 if he had 悔意。



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