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送交者: gems 2012年07月15日15:46:11 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
I was out for some weeks, your guys are still fighting on the Homo stuff?!

Again, the definition of marriage is the root of this discussion.

Some basic info on Marriage.

There are two definitions of Marriage: 1 Civil, 2 Theological.

Civil marriage relates to the marriage in common law and Theological is about the marriage in the Church.   That’s the reason all married Catholics got married twice: 1 in city/county government, 2 in the Church.

Civil marriage is defined by the local government.

Theological Marriage is defined by the Church Performing the “rite”. The definition varies from denominations to denominations basing on each one’s own interpretation of the Bible.

Historically, Civil marriage is an invention of Reformation.  Ever since Holy Matrimony was removed from Sacraments, government was given the right to define marriage.  sad...

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