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送交者: ztyixia 2008月08月26日09:11:49 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话
回  答: ******FNFL:欢迎DC兄弟,娘子军和大麻鹰抓紧***游击联队 于 2008-08-26 06:19:02
选秀位置抽签(通过网站http://www.net-commish.com/tools/random/index.php自动产生)暂定在周3中午举行。选秀权可以交易, 交易结果请于9月2日中午前在沙龙公布。(俺周六到周一下午不在,可能很多人也会出外度长周末)


Current Roster Size: 14
Total Starters: 9
Quarterback (QB) 1 3
Running Back (RB) 2 8
Running Back/Wide Receiver (RB/WR) 1 N/A
Wide Receiver (WR) 2 8
Tight End (TE) 1 3
Team Defense/Special Teams (D/ST) 1 3
Place Kicker (K) 1 2
Bench (BE) 5 N/A
Injured Reserve (IR) 1 N/A

Passing TD Pass 6 Every 25 passing yards 1
2pt Passing Conversion 2 Interceptions Thrown -2

Rushing TD Rush 6 2pt Rushing Conversion 2
Every 10 rushing yards 1

Receiving TD Reception 6 2pt Receiving Conversion 2
Every 10 receiving yards 1 Each reception 0.5

Miscellaneous Fumble Recovered for TD 6 Each Fumble -1
Each Fumble Lost -1 Kickoff Return TD 6
Punt Return TD 6 Every 25 kickoff return yards 0.5
Every 25 punt return yards 0.5

Kicking FG Made (50+ yards) 5 FG Made (40-49 yards) 4
FG Made (0-39 yards) 3 FG Missed (0-39 yards) -1
Each PAT Made 1 Each PAT Missed -1

Team Defense / Special Teams 0 points allowed 10 2-6 points allowed 7
7-13 points allowed 4 14-17 points allowed 1
Blocked Punt or FG return for TD 6 Each Interception 2
Each Fumble Recovered 2 Blocked Punt, PAT or FG 2
Each Safety 2 Each Sack 1
Kickoff Return TD 6 Punt Return TD 6
Interception Return TD 6 Fumble Return TD 6
Each Fumble Forced 1 Every 25 kickoff return yards 0.5
Every 25 punt return yards 0.5 22-27 points allowed -1
28-34 points allowed -4 35-45 points allowed -7
46+ points allowed -10 Less than 100 total yards allowed 10
100-199 total yards allowed 7 200-299 total yards allowed 4
300-349 total yards allowed 1 400-449 total yards allowed -1
450-499 total yards allowed -4 500-549 total yards allowed -7
550+ total yards allowed -10

Player Universe All NFL Players
Lineup Changes Slots Lock Individually at Scheduled Gametime
Observe ESPN's Undroppable Players List No
Make League Viewable to Public No
Trade Limit 10
Trade Deadline Wednesday, November 19, 12PM ET (Week 12)
Trade Review Period 48 Hours
Votes Required to Veto Trade 5
Free Agent/Waiver Acquisition Limit No Limit
Waiver Period 1 Day
Waiver System Move To Last After Claim, Never Reset Order
2008 Keepers Per Team None
2009 Keepers Per Team None
FEES (Edit)
Use League Fees No
Regular Season Weeks 13 (Playoffs start Week 14)
Matchup Tie Breaker None, Leave as Tie
Home Field Advantage None
Playoff Seeding Tie Breaker Total Points For
Playoffs Weeks 3
Playoff Rounds 3 (1 week per round)
Playoff Teams 6
First Round Byes 2
DRAFT (Edit)
Draft Type Live Draft
Draft Date September 2, 2008 11:00 PM ET
Seconds Per Pick 60
Allow Draft Pick Trading Yes
Draft Order Manually Set by League Manager
  当前讨论2:2R/3W还是2R/2W/1F - ztyixia 08/26/08 (170)
    都行。偏向于延续传统  /无内容 - 游击联队 08/26/08 (109)
  当前讨论1:QB的TD/INT分数,6/2,5/2,4/1 /无内容 - ztyixia 08/26/08 (180)
    同上。偏向于延续传统  /无内容 - 游击联队 08/26/08 (111)
    如果没有其它意见,俺建议设为折衷的5/2  /无内容 - ztyixia 08/26/08 (122)
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