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胡说!Ribs(food),Pork ribs & chop
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Ribs (food)
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Beef rib, French style, served with french fried potatoes
Ribs coated with a dry spice rub, before being barbecuedRibs of beef, lamb, venison, and pork are a cut of meat. The term ribs usually refers to the less meaty part of the chops, often cooked as a slab (not cut into separate ribs).

They can be roasted, grilled, or smoked.

A set of ribs served together (3-4 or more), is known as a rack (such as a rack of ribs).

In American cuisine, ribs usually refers to barbecue pork ribs, which are served with various barbecue sauces. They are served as a slab of meat which diners customarily tear apart by hand, then gnaw the meat from the bone. Slow roasting or barbecuing for as much as 10-12 hours creates a tender finished product.

[edit] See also
Pork ribs
Short ribs
Spare ribs

[edit] Gallery


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