在進學校之後,學校專門給學生作就業輔導的專家對我的簡歷也沒提出什麼修改意見。所以,此後就靠着同一份簡歷所向披靡。簡歷不能超過2頁長,言語要力求簡練。對我做過的每一個position,我用的格式順序是:company name, title, responsibilities and results.
“Responsibilities”用一串過去式動詞+賓語的形式說明。動詞儘量用那些感覺strong的,避免同一個動詞的大量重複,避免感覺weak的動詞。公司一般用key word to screen resume, 所以儘量用那些關鍵詞,這樣就增加被搜索到的機會。可以去monster等網站,或找本寫簡歷的參考書。比如,雖然你沒有財會背景,但你要申請這方面的工作,你就要去參考有這方面工作背景的人寫的簡歷。看他們用的什麼關鍵詞,怎麼組織句子的,怎麼描述工作經驗的,然後把你自己的經歷用這樣的形式和語言包裝。一句話,天下文章一大套,就看你套的妙不妙。
manage, establish, develop, build, control, monitor, create, implement, utilize, commercialize, oversee, ????uate, analyze, recommend, conduct ~ ~ analysis, coordinate, negotiate, served as the central liaison of ~ ~。
光陳述你有過的responsibilities是不夠的,在一系列過去式動詞加賓語之後,另起一行,用bullet points列出results. “Results”一定要把它量化,用數字,用百分比,來表示諸如銷售增長,成本下降,效率提高,減少浪費等等你的成績。
很重要一點,responsibilities和results,一定要撿主要的,要起到能夠highlight你的工作經歷的作用。你可能在一個位置做過很多事情,但你要list那些能反映your best quality and skill set that best match the positions you target for. 如果你申請不同的工作,最好把簡歷作幾個不同的版本。
把上面寫的綜合起來,為了給大家一點idea, 把我的一段簡歷列在這裡,現身說法。
XXX Corporation, Business Development Manager
- Developed markets in five geographic areas, and ????uted marketing strategies representing the Asia/Pacific Vice President. Oversaw the implementation of export sales contracts with importers and distributors to ensure the issuance of import permits, timely production planning, shipments, and payments. Managed day-to-day representative office operations.
- Successfully implemented strategic plans, and commercialized five products in highly regulated markets, resulting in a sales increase by 100% in two consecutive years.
- Recruited a number of value added companies as XXX’s distributors, and developed a strong distribution network in key provinces and markets.
- Built a close liaison with government agencies and departments to ensure compliance of local laws and regulations.
- Negotiated to get tax exemption and rent deduction, resulting in a 30% decrease of office operating cost.