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送交者: nopanic 2009年02月06日16:25:56 于 [加国移民] 发送悄悄话
我人在美国(来美两年多,办理一般的技术移民(Federal Skilled worker class),不是投资或亲属类,目前也没有加国雇主的Offer),请问我的申请应该往哪儿邮寄? 一直以来以为应该寄往Buffalo,可是又仔细一看Instruction Guide (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/EG76.asp),又觉得好像应该寄往Sydney,NS, Canada, 因为Buffalo是那些有Arranged Employment的人应该寄的, 原文如下: If you are applying as a skilled worker qualify under category… 1(you are in an occupation which corresponds to the list of occupations identified in the Ministerial Instructions) then mail your application to… Citizenship and Immigration Canada Federal Skilled Worker Centralized Intake Unit P.O. BOX 7500 Sydney, NS B1P 0A9 Canada If you are applying as a skilled worker qualify under category… 2(you have an arranged employment offer with a Canadian employer) then mail your application to… The Canadian Visa Office responsible for your country of nationality or your country of legal residence (provided that you have been legally admitted for at least one year). Consult the chart of Canadian Visa Offices to determine where to your application: www.cic.gc.ca/english/ information/offices/apply-where.asp. 另外,两个guideline中关于费用寄往的地址也不一样: The instruction guide says: made payable to the “Receiver General for Canada.”(http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/EG75.asp). However the Visa Office Specific Instructions says: made payable to the Canadian Consulate General (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/guides/E37048.pdf). Which one is correct? Thanks a lot!
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