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送交者: 小哭 2013年12月05日21:02:03 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話


Susan 小哭譯





















魔術表演時,我在廚房洗碗、洗盤,趁機和一個朋友聊天,所以什麼也沒看到。後來看了錄像和照片後,感覺確實如Susan所言,那場面完全被她控制住了。幾家的大人看得都很投入,主要是大家都想找到魔術的機關,可就是找不到!Susan爸告訴我最好笑的一個插曲,是一個挨着Susan、死盯着表演的阿姨,看了幾次、折騰了幾把,也找不到機關,不得不服之後,問Susan秘密到底在哪裡。Susan說我可以悄悄地告訴你,於是阿姨就把脖子伸了過來,Susan就湊上去,悄悄地說了句“是魔法It’s magic”。等到阿姨把答案公布給大家,現場頓時就笑翻了:)可惜這段沒錄下來。






Thanksgiving Dinner

One of the worst things about not being born in the United States is the fact that my whole family is not born here either. Most of them are living in China. Only my mom, my dad, my brother, and I are living in the U.S. That’s a problem when family holidays, like Thanksgiving, comes around. The tradition is that the whole family gathers together for the turkey dinner, but since most of my family is a whole ocean away, my mom invited friends over instead.

On Thanksgiving day, the whole house was busy. I was busy making apple pie, my mom was busy baking the turkey, and my dad was cleaning up the house. We’ve never hosted a party that large-scaled and that important before. Thanksgiving is mainly an American holiday, and since we are Chinese, we have not had that much experience in celebrating Thanksgiving. Before that day, I have never baked apple pie on my own before, and my mom have never baked a tukey. It was challenging for everyone. I spent all morning making the pie from scratch, and by the time I was done, I was ready to go to bed again.

Thankfully, we got everything done before the party guests arrived. They all came half and hour late! I was so very anxious and excited during that half-hour. Finally, they got here, and I got even more excited! All of our guests were Chinese (except for one), and among them all, we were the ones who knew most about the American cultures of Thanksgiving. It felt strange to be introducing others to American culture, instead of the other way around. It made me feel happy, though, because I like helping people, and us hosting that party helped a lot of people, and made people happy.

Everyone brought some food to the party, and boy! Were they good! There were chicken wings, ribs, meat, potatoes, yummy vegtables, and a bunch of other stuff I don’t even recognize! Before dinner, I gave a small speech about the traditions of Thanksgiving, and about how it originated. Most of the people in the room probably didn’t know anything about the pilgrims or the Native Americans or any of that. It was an interesting way to start the night. My mom brought out the turkey she baked. It was really good! It tasted just like a store-bought turkey. Mark (the only American guy at the party) said it was better than most of the turkey’s he’s had at his family’s Thanksgiving dinners.

 After I got my food, I sort of wandered aimlessly around the house, checking up on how people were doing, dropping in on conversations here and there. The house was buzzing with voices, and I felt myself getting into a festive mood.

All the good stuff was going on downstairs. Upstairs (1st floor) were the boring adults, talking to eachother about their kids (that’s the moms) or about their jobs (that’s the dads). Downstairs, in the basment, were all the kids and a few adults who were cool enough to be able to be down there. It was crazy down there! There were kids running around all over the place, screaming, shouting, laughing. Jack and another kid my age was also there. Jack is a really fun person, he was great with the kids. He probably helped out down there more thank I did. After a few minutes, the kids ran off into different groups, the girls with the girls, and boys with the boys, to play by themselves, and left us mostly alone.

With nothing to do, Mark, Jack’s dad, suggested I show them some magic tricks. I thought “Yes! Yes! I FINALLY get to show them my magic tricks!” I felt like sprinting up the stairs, grabbing my cards, doing a quick practice, and sprinting back down. Which was what I did.

I had been practicing for half an hour before the guests arrived. I was positive I was going to be performing some magic, so I made sure I had all my cards all set and ready. It didn’t take long for me to get back downstairs and show test out my new tricks. The tricks were alright. Not the best I could’ve done, but good enough. Mark was sufficiently amazed.

The next hour went slowly. Everyone was really full, nobody wanted to eat dessert. I’m not sure what happened upstairs, they probably just talked and talked through that whole hour. Downstairs, we just hung out and played some cards. I’m satisfied to say I won the last round. After losing all the other three games before. Jack and another guy that showed up at the party became fast friends. Jack’s a sophomore, the other guy’s in 6th grade, and they’re almost the same height. Wow. The kids just ran around, playing by themselves. Occasionaly, a problem would arrise, and we would have to sort it out. I noticed a pattern there: all the of the problems were either caused by this little boy hurting someone, or someone hurting him. He’s trouble, that one. Fortunately, nothing too serious happened.

It was fun, just sitting down there, playing cards. I could finally relax after a day of anxiously preparing and waiting. I could finally enjoy the party. I wished that moment could go on forever. But, sadly, we all had to go upstairs to eat apple pie. None of us wanted to eat anymore. I didn’t want to eat pie either, even though I made it myself. I was really tired, but then, something made me cheer up immediately: a magic show!

I was going to perform some magic for the guests! For all of them, not just Mark and a few other people. All of them! Immediately, I no longer felt tired. Like last time, I sprinted up the stairs. But since it was going to be a full scale performance, I had to practice and make sure I’ve got everything right. Then, I casually walked down the stairs, waited for a few people to sit down, and started. The rest of the people (except for one or two) sat down after I did a few warm-ups. Alright, girl. I though. You’ve got this.

I was nervous. However, I made sure I looked confident. I was excited also. I’ve been practicing for so much, just for moments like those. First feat (I don’t want to use the word “trick” too much, because “trick” has a negative feeling to it): success. One person figured it out, but I wasn’t expecting anything less. It was just a simple warm-up. Second feat: success. Third: success. Fourth: success. Fifth: super-mega-success! That last one was the best one yet, and it was met with the satisfying sort of silence that follows bewildering magic tricks.

I think that performance was my best one yet. Not only were the tricks the best, my performance was the best also. They say half the magic of a magic show is in the way the magician shows his/her magic. Half the amazement’s in the show. That’s definitely true. I made sure the audience was always attentive and listen, and I made sure not to pile everything on them at once. Also, I made sure I didn’t tell them the secret, and that made the tricks way more magical. Definitely my best performance ever! Actually, I tell you the secret. Here’s the secret. Shhhh…come in closer, here’s the secret….it’s magic.

After that magic show, I felt a lot better, and when my dad brought out the apple pie, I was ready to try a slice. I was expecting it to taste sickeningly sweet, or really cinnamon-ish, or… I was just expecting it to be bad. Turned out it was really good! Really good! After all the activity and the bustle, I was craving something cold. The refrigerated apple pie was cold, fresh, and had just the right amount of sweetness. It tasted like the best pie I’ve ever had. Most people like it too. They were surprised I made it. I got a major confidence boost that night, first from the magic tricks, then from the apple pie. I think my mom did too, because the party went so well, and her turkey was great too.

At the end, Mark said the party was very good. He said it was “very American”, with the turkey and the apple pie. It’s a fine compliment, especially from someone who’s been to more Thanksgiving dinners than years I’ve been alive. We’re definitely doing this again next year! And hopefully, I would have more magic tricks to show!

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