Susan八年級校園生活(27)--仿一戰家書(親愛的阿比蓋爾) |
送交者: 小哭 2014年04月19日21:06:55 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話 |
Susan著 小哭譯
覺總是不夠睡,但是能夠睡的時候,我卻會做惡夢。夢見你和我在雪裡玩,然後,突然地,炸彈和子彈開始四處散落;雪變成紅色,然後黑色,然後變成土;下一件我知道的事兒,就是你會走,消失在土裡,然後有人抓住我——我就醒了,感覺和我準備睡覺時一樣地累。我現在幾乎不能在夜裡睡覺,因為夜裡可以做所有的事兒。借着黑暗的籠罩,敵人看不到我們,我們總算可以放鬆一點 ,可以進行補給和進食。夜晚過得很慢,後來倒也沒發生什麼。
Dear Abigail,
As I am writing this letter to you, I am sitting in a trench, my back resting against the damp wall. My feet are wet. The ground is covered in mud; it has been raining for days now. You cannot believe how wet it gets in here. Just a few hours ago, it has stopped raining, so I am able to write to you without fear that my precious paper would get ruined.
You said, in your last letter, that you wanted to know more about what it’s like out here. Oh, dear sister, trust me, you do not want to know. I am afraid of giving you nightmares. But, if anyone can handle it, it’s you. I just ask that you please do not read this to Mum and Dad. They are already worried about me as it is.
Remember how, in the winter, we use to build snow forts? We use to hide behind them and throw snowballs at each other, and Mum would come out and drag us back inside to make sure we don’t catch a cold. Well, these trenches are sort of similar, except without all the whiteness of snow, and without a mother to drag us back home.
Sleep is scarce, but when I do sleep, I get nightmares. Nightmares of you and me, playing in the snow. Then, suddenly, bombs and shell fire would start dropping out of nowhere. The snow would turn red, then black, and then to dirt. The next thing I know, you would be gone, lost in the dust, and then someone would grab me—and I would wake up, still as tired as I was when I went to sleep. I can hardly sleep at night now, because that is when all the activity happens. That is when, under the cover of the darkness so that the enemy can’t see us, we can finally relax a bit and get supplies and food. The nights pass slowly, and nothing really happens then.
The mornings are okay. Before dawn breaks, we would get breakfast delivered from the field kitchens at the back. It’s quite a long way to the front lines were I am right now, and the supply tunnels between theses trenches aren’t that smooth either. I don’t envy the boys who bring the food. As for us, all we have to do is sit in the mud and eat it. The food here is quite well, actually. I would suspect even better than the rations you are getting back at home. After breakfast comes all the fighting. Not fighting like you think. We don’t rush out of these trenches at all. Instead, right when the sun comes up, we just step up onto the firing platform, load our guns, and stand there. I suspect the same thing is going on in the German trenches. Just in the case that one side attacks, the other side would be able to defend themselves. But usually, we just stand there and do nothing. If I was called up to the firing stand, I would stay there for about two hours before getting relieved. Then, I would have some time to relax before having to get up and do some other chore, such as repairing the trench walls or gathering supplies and ammunition. After that, we were subjected to an inspection by a senior officer, and after that, some leisure time during which I am using to write you a letter.
The nights are a bit worse than the morning. They’re cold, for one, but that is not the main problem. The main problem is rats. They come in hundreds, maybe even thousands, making it impossible to move around without stepping on one of them. I have now become familiar with their squeals as they get kicked and crushed. They crawl all over the place, on bodies, on supplies, some even crawled onto my face. We have tried all sorts of methods to get rid of them, but it seems that for every one we kill, two more comes back. I just hope those Germans on the others side gets twice as many of these rotten rodents as we do.
Aside from the rats, there’s also mud. Sure, there’s mud in the daytime too, but it always seem much worse at night, when it’s all cold and slimy. The heavy rainfalls lately have flooded these trenches and have created muddy water up to my knees! The mud not only making it difficult for us to get around, it’s also pretty deadly. I have tripped once or twice. It like falling into a snow draft, except wetter and dirtier. Very hard to get up once I fall. I heard that in a few trenches back, a soldier drowned in the mud. That is not surprising, seeing how deep it can get. A couple of days ago, the blackness was up to my waist. My feet are feeling numb from being constantly in the wetness. I hope the rain would stop soon. I heard from an officer that if we develop this condition called trench foot, we have to get our feet chopped off!
Mud… rats… the constant worry that we would get bombed… what else? Not much. Don’t feel pity for me, though. You should see some of the other soldiers. Actually, no. I don’t want you to see the other soldiers. You cannot believe how many friends I have lost. Death… that is a subject I have not talked about. I do not wish to talk about it. I do not wish to think about it. The rats. The cold. The harsh conditions. They are nothing compared to seeing the motionless body of fallen comrade. One moment we were just talking. The next, shells start dropping out of nowhere, like in my nightmare. Then, after the dust clears, I see him, lying there, on the ground. I flip him over, I try to get him to wake up…. But he just wouldn’t wake up… he was gone… gone. Such a bright soul… always cheerful… I can only wish that he went to somewhere that is better than this hell. I do not even know his name. I have not bothered to learn names after the first three. After I know their name, it makes them so much closer to me, and so much more of a shock when they die. Oh, hey look, there goes another one! It’s that boy that was stationed right around the bend (our trenches are zigzagged so that a bullet can’t be fired straight down them). When did he die? I don’t know, but I sure am happy I don’t have to bury him!
I’m sorry. I got carried away there. I did not mean to sound so… bitter. But that is the truth. I have to desensitize myself to all the killing in order to not break down. I have enough to deal with as it is. But death… death would not be ignored that easily. All around me are the rotting corpse of both strange and familiar faces. I see them everywhere I look. In a way, we are like rats. For every one that dies, there is always one to replace him the next day. There’s the smell, too. The smell of rotting flesh…sweat…some other sour smell that I cannot place…the heavy rains unfortunately do no wash away these reminders of all the death occurring in this place. I cannot bear to look at some of the corpses. Over time, I have learned to ignore them, but sometimes, the faces of people that I know jump out at me, and it is near impossible not to fall down and start weeping. It’s even worse when a soldier disappears, and I do not know where they went. I am glad you are home safe, Abigail. The further away you are, the better.
I’m sorry again. I do not want to talk about death this much. It’s just that it’s everywhere I look. Let’s see, what have I not went over yet? I think this is enough for one time, no? Again, please don’t show Mum and Dad this. I do not want to worry them more.
It is now very quiet. It’s usually not loud except for the shell bombings (you’d think there’s an earthquake happening during those!), but now, it’s even quieter than usual. A lot of us are taking a nap. I should take one too. Oh! The water level dropped by an inch. Wonderful! And the walls feel dryer too. Well, I’m off to my nap now. Take care of yourself, Abigail. Stay safe, and stay happy. I do not know when I’ll write again, or whether I ever will. But, regardless of my fate, you have to promise me you’ll take care of yourself, and Mum and Dad. I miss you.
With love,
Your brother, Edmund
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