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送交者: jingchen 2018年03月28日09:54:09 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话

Moose have big horns. Humans don’t. In general, human body has much less frills than many other animals.  This is probably one reason why humans dominate the ecological system. The economic principle of nature is silent but stern.

But dominant human groups often decorate a lot of frills on themselves, expensive clothes, expensive cars, expensive houses, expensive education and various expensive rights. Does it work? On the short term perspective, it does work. That is why people are doing that. But on the long term perspective, it doesn’t work. In all the so called developed countries, the frills have become so burdensome. That drives fertility rates down below replacement rate. These countries are in the process of being conquered by people with less frills. The economic principle of human society is silent but stern. 

When we give our children not what they need, but what they “deserve”, we are giving them frills. These frills will burden the parents and ultimately the children themselves.

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