喜歡你的實話實說, 可惜你的無知無識, 美國人對對手永遠是尊重的, 無憂過去不同意奧八馬, 現在也不同意奧把馬, 但這絲毫不影響無憂對奧把馬的尊敬。 更何況無憂與奧把馬有同病相憐之感, 同是小時沒有了父親, 家境如此貧寒, 人家奧把馬,馬容易嗎? 不值得讚佩嗎? 做人不要太小心眼嘛。
NW has nothing changed, You two have to learn from NoWorry if you are in America. You two are too narrow mind, which is so bad to yourself and which I was so supprised of . I am even wondering whether you two have never got yourselves out and try to see what America really is. I am really and truly believe that you two are just circled yourselves within the tiny Chinese community. You realy need to get out. It is good.