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送交者: muchomoney 2008月11月06日13:58:50 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: 一帖遍复 ── 关于《论语》、《弟子规》和《唐诗三百首》 由 Box 于 2008-11-06 12:45:38 |
first of all i admire your in-depth knowledge on Confusius Teaching. However, i do believe that for you to better serve the chiness communities in america, you would need to hear to the opposite side of augument.
钱多多讲“I know tw kids study 《大学 》、《中庸 in the first grade. How much did they really believe on what they are being taught? ”其实这个问 题极简单,相比较而言,台湾保留了中国历史传统,大陆放弃了中国历史传统,你看 两岸领导人的人文素养、精神气质有什么不同? you are right on this fact: 台湾保留了中国历史传统,大陆放弃了中国历史传统. However, I am not sure about your statement about 两岸领导人的人文素养、精神气质. If the ex-president of TW (Chen SB) and his party truly believe in the strength of chinese civilizatioin, they would not seek for independence at all. the least i can say is that the TW might get the superficials, but definiely not the fundermentals including the current TW president and his party. After the "national" chinese retreated to Taiwan, they have gradually abandaned the chinese philosophies and traditions. They have looked down on China, down on the chinese from the mainland. Most of them only believe in money. I have personally experienced this myself. Most of them appear to believe christianity, but i have second doubt on that as well. Personally I have met a lot of ex-generals and ex-officers from TW (retreated from mainland) and from the conversation I have with them, I failed to see the chinese spirit from any of them. 钱多多又讲“Confucius theory is very complicated.Even if you explain it to regular chinese kid in China, most likely he would not understand what you are talking about. when kids don't understand your explanation they will just ignore it.”我觉得钱多多肯定没有读完我上一个帖子,你不理解“根本智” 与“后得智”的区别,我只好用西人也就是辜 鸿铭的义父布朗先生的话来回复你: “只求你说得熟,并不求你 听得懂。听懂再背,心就乱了,反倒背不熟了。”至于 孩子漠不关心,那是教育方法的问题,老师是人类灵魂的工程师,父母教孩子,那 有那么简单啊? I don't agree with your method. I believe learning without understanding is counter-productive, esp in this country. I don't think most chinese can make your 教育方法 happen in reality. 下面再转摘一点《论语》以及诸子百家的言教,钱多多看看孩子能不能明白?该不 该知道?谢谢。 学而时习之,不亦说乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎? 《论语学而》 生而知之者,上也;学而知之者,次也;困而学知之,又其次也;困而不学,民斯 为下矣。 《论语季氏》 知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。 《论语雍也》 敏而好学,不耻下问。 《论语公冶长》 三人行,必有我师焉。 《论语述而》 学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。 《论语为政》 知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。 《论语为政》 欲速则不达。 《论语子路》 工欲善其事,必先利其器。 《论语卫灵公》 知者不惑,仁者不忧,勇者不惧。 《论语子罕》 当仁不让于师。 《论语卫灵公》 子贡问曰:“有一言而可以终身行之者乎?”子曰:“其恕乎!己所不欲,勿施于 人。” 《论语卫灵公》 德不孤,必有邻。 《论语里仁》 见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省也。 《论语里仁》 人而无信,不知其可也。 《论语为政》 君子成人之美,不成人之恶。小人反是。 《论语颜渊》 性相近也,习相远也。 《论语阳货》 爱子,教之以义方,弗纳于邪。──《左传隐公三年》 爱人者,人恒爱之;敬人者,人恒敬之。──《孟子离娄下》 人谁无过,过而能改,善莫大焉。──《左传宣公二年》 独学而无友,则孤陋而寡闻。──《礼记学记》 学然后知不足。──《礼记学记》 胜而不骄,败而不怨。──《商君书战法》 圣人千虑,必有一失;愚人千虑,必有一得。──《晏子春秋杂下》 天时不如地利,地利不如人和。──《孟子公孙丑下》 天行健,君子以自强不息。──《易乾》 千里之行,始于足下。──《老子第六十四章》 尺有所短,寸有所长;物有所不足,智有所不明。──战国楚屈原《卜居》 亡羊而补牢,未为迟也。──《战国策楚策四庄辛谓楚襄王》 行百里者半九十。──《战国策秦策五》 不以规矩,不能成方圆。──《孟子离娄上》 差若毫厘,谬以千里。──《礼记经解》 Bro box, to be honest with you, i don't think they are easy at all. first, kids need to learn Chinese. that is huge task by itself. second, they need to learn ancent chinese. this is a huge task as well. then they need to understand what they truly means. Again, many of these concepts need matured audiences. i think you are going to drive them crazy trying to have them learn all of these... |
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