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what's wrong with you?
送交者: pw2233 2008月11月11日12:20:49 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話
回  答: Racist commentsrhetor 於 2008-11-11 11:20:14
I did not mention anything about racism at all. Just some facts of education in states. Chinese's IQ is a little higher than the average, but it is not the reason why chinese seems so smart here. The reason is china sent its best educated group to support US. Talk about race, nobody can deny there is racial difference between races, yet you can't say it in public. Smart is one factor for success but not all. Two of the reasons why chinese are not so successful in US is language barrier and sublime animosity between two cultures. I would say if the US can not improve its education in the future, the country will have no future. Actually it was not the case many years ago. American people used to work very hard but not now. The coming depression might change it a little.
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