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My opionion about that
送交者: midwestmom 2008月07月14日16:20:08 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 老禿筆:閒談頂尖大學錄取的標準和學生的資質老禿筆 於 2008-07-13 21:11:46
I want to ask you if you ask him to know how to life a live. It is pity that he has no gf anf just know to work. I dont think it is good. A good people should know how to live first. In American family, they show their child how to live first not how to work first. You stay in US so long, you should know. Am I right?
  回答你的問題 - 老禿筆 07/14/08 (568)
    worry not about gf - Easygoing 07/14/08 (281)
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