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You make me laugh
送交者: NoWorry 2009月04月02日06:49:34 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 無憂本是中國人的名字,詼諧幽默,可惜現在變成了美國人操心媽媽 於 2009-04-01 20:46:21
Listen to me, my friend, NW is always your friend no matter what, just because you and NW are Chinese. For instance, NW will never chat with you in the Chinese forum, if NW does not treat you ang others as my dear Chinese folks.

NoWorry never 離開了自己的民族、背叛自己的歷史, but tries to persuade you to love your new country, love your new home and love your new future, which you should do.

Trust me that Noworry的好日子能過 many 天s ,and so do you if you listen to Noworry. NoWorry firmly believes that what NW says is very true and is very helpful for Chinese who are already citizens of ohter countries.

Once again it is great plesure to share with you, my friend.
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