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To be exactly, there are no
送交者: NoWorry 2009月04月03日07:03:59 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 由观看美国私立中学的校田径运动会所想起。。。旧客 于 2009-04-02 11:12:36
校田径运动会 in America. 运动 is kind of a hobby to Americans, kids or adults. That\'s why most Americans are well built up and very good at sports becaue they love what they do, like tennis, basketball, football, hinking, biking, running, swimmiing, gym, ect. Americans can do any any kind of sports pretty much anywhere or anytime. Sport facilities and equipments are very affordable and enjoyable . Most sports in America are individual activties, not the mass organized activities like the one in China when we were in high school back in China.
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