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剛去了看了介紹, Comp Sci是新的tutorial S
送交者: kaixinmama 2022月02月21日11:55:26 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 初中Computer Science-給6,7,8年級的練習kaixinmama 於 2022-02-21 11:50:05

謝樓主分享,剛去了看了介紹, Comp Sci是新的tutorial Style exercise模式, 就是邊教學邊練習吧? 看了SAMPLES里樣題應該是這個意思,今晚要試試。

我小孩看過CS書, 光看書效果,不如有練習鞏固一下效果好。我們公校高中開始CS課,提前學的孩子都是自己弄。

Beestar's Tutorial Style Exercise

Unlike other subjects that kids study in school, computer science is new to most students. Beestar has designed its computer science programs specially in the step-by-step tutorial style so that every student can join and learn without prerequisites. Essential knowledge is clearly presented in the exercise first before students work on solving problems. Students have all they need to complete a program in Beestar and parents do not need to teach or look for textbooks for them.

Beestar presents computer concepts in a kids-friendly way that students can grasp the essential ideas without getting into too much technical detail, so they can progress smoothly without burdening. In fact, we intentionally present computer science topics with their context from scratch, so each topic is fairly independent and even students who join in the middle of the program can mostly fit in the flow and learn effectively.

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