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送交者: kaixinmama 2023月06月02日08:43:27 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 小學初中暑期數學,英文閱讀,詞彙,計算機知識學習kaixinmama 於 2023-05-16 20:25:40

summer sun      Beestar Summer Programs

Summer is the play time for children. In addition to various fun activities, it is also the best time to enroll your child to a supplemental learning program.

The Beestar program allows your child to learn and practice online, regardless where you will go. A systematic learning and training in summer will definitely keep your child's mind sharp and have him/her well prepared for the next grade level in fall. Taking advantage of its easy access through the internet from all over the world, you enroll your child to this supplemental learning program. while you are on the road to a place, or you have a dream vacation at any place in the world. For many children enrolled in the past, Beestar's Math, English Language Arts (ELA), Science, Social Studies, and Gifted Talented Math programs have given them a head start in the new grade level and unprecedented confidence in the new classroom.

In response to many questions regarding summer programs, we have composed this newsletter to put the answers together for you.

Beestar summer term has 8 weeks from June 4, 2023 to July 30, 2023. Its registration will be open on Sunday May 14, 2023. It is the last term of an academic year. It is designed to prepare students for the next grade level in fall. For example, if your child is a second grader in spring 2023, you should register at the same grade level in summer.

In summer term, ELA and GT Math are more intensive than others. They have 4 exercises every week (double intensity) to cover one full semester's content. Regular Math, Science, and Social Studies programs will still have 2 exercises per week.

Here is the fee table for summer 2023:

Summer Program Schedule and Fees
Term: Summer 2023 (8 weeks: June 4, 23 - Jul 30, 23)

Summer Weekly Exercise (8 weeks)
Term Fee: $20
(4 ex. per week)
(2 ex. per week)
Term Fee: $20
(2 ex. per week)
Term Fee: $20
(2 ex. per week)
Term Fee: $20
(2 ex. per week)
Term Fee: $20
(2 ex. per week)
Term Fee: $30
(4 ex. per week)
Grade 1 ELAGrade 1 Math

Grade 1 VocabGrade 1 GT Math
Grade 2 ELAGrade 2 MathGrade 2 Science
Grade 2 Social St.Grade 2 VocabGrade 2 GT Math
Grade 3 ELAGrade 3 MathGrade 3 Science
Grade 3 Social St.Grade 3 VocabGrade 3 GT Math
Grade 4 ELAGrade 4 MathGrade 4 Science
Grade 4 Social St.Grade 4 VocabGrade 4 GT Math
Grade 5 ELAGrade 5 MathGrade 5 Science
Grade 5 Social St.Grade 5 VocabGrade 5 GT Math
Term Fee: $30
( 4 ex. per week)
( 2 ex. per week)
Term Fee: $30
( 2 ex. per week)
Term Fee: $30
( 2 ex. per week)
Term Fee: $30
( 2 ex. per week)
Term Fee: $30
( 2 ex. per week)
Term Fee: $40
( 4 ex. per week)
Grade 6 ELAGrade 6 MathGrade 6 ScienceGrade 6 Computer ScienceGrade 6 Social St.Grade 6 VocabGrade 6 GT Math
Grade 7 ELAGrade 7 MathGrade 7 ScienceGrade 7 Computer ScienceGrade 7 Social St.Grade 7 VocabGrade 7 GT Math
Grade 8 ELAGrade 8 MathGrade 8 ScienceGrade 8 Computer ScienceGrade 8 Social St.Grade 8 VocabGrade 8 GT Math

If you have further questions, please feel free to contact info@beestar.org.

Summer is the time to relax. It is also a great time to recharge: register a program and see how Beestar does wonders to your child week by week.

Have a great summer!

Beestar Team

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