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Re: dcdad: Parenting skill starts here
送交者: idaida 2005年07月28日17:42:28 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話

Well,first, I am not a clinical psy. I am a developmental psychologist, with solid medical degree/practice, if you don't know the diffrence:-). And I am a very proud parent.

Let me tell you some of MY humble tips , as I can not represent all psychologists's value, so we should avoid to involve the rest professionals in this field here.We have no right to do that. Okey?

Take you and the dad in the swin case as examples:(seems you also know most dads so it is very presentable, right?) Parenting skills start with asking us:
1) What we would like our kids have from parents--A:unconditional love, or B conditional "love"--which is that "if you satisfy my request, I will give you my love, or I will withdraw it because I have power over you, I am your dady my son."?

2) Do we want our kids to feel their own parents are their safety base, no matter what? or we 'd rather tech them by our behaviour that they can not count on what we agreed? at least always?

3) Did we teach our child to respect people even with diffrent opinion from yours, or rather we teach them be like the way dads do-- as you are representing most dads you know?

4) Do we teach our kids to respect him/herself even people has opinion on him/her?

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