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I spend all my spare time on my son
送交者: lostmyself 2005年12月05日13:33:35 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話

Is that really good for him?
I don't how many moms here like me but I do see most of my friends doing the same thing -- spend all our spare time on our children.
I have a 4 year old son. at weekday night and weekend, I play with him, read story to him, take him to playground, to museum, to park, to swim, to friend house etc. When we think about vacation place, our son's interest is always the top choice. when I talk with friends, Kid realted top is most talkable topic.
I do't recall my parent did that before. Why there is such different? Do they have tougher work?
Sometime, I am really lost and ask myself why I am doing that, am I doing the right thing? Is that really good for my son?
Do I have other things to enjoy except for raising the kid? Is my son will be ok if I am away to do my own stuff?

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