羊羊的speech therapy。 |
送交者: 胖羊羊他媽 2006年02月28日20:39:56 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話 |
羊羊的語言發育遲緩問題我和羊爸已經叨咕1年多了。經歷了“等等看--找找看--沒找到,再等等看--不行,繼續找”如今終於找到了“組織”。羊羊的speech therapy終於要開始啦:約了人過兩天到家裡給羊羊做 ????uation. 如果羊羊的語言發育水平在35%以下,就會有少兒心理學家來做另5個方面的????uation,排除其他因素。之後羊羊就可以接受免費的speech therapy了。(不過這兩天羊羊突然有長進了,可能會超過35%。鬱悶!) 下面給大家抄點兒Early Intervention Program的特具煽動性的宣傳材料: "Don't worry." These two words have often discouraged parents and have prevented many children with developmental delays from getting what they need: early screening and identification, and appropriate intervention. Despite the fact that there is a direct correlation between early identification and improved develpment, parents with concerns about their children are often told not to worry. "Don't worry...boys develop more slowly. Don't worry...she'll grow out of it. Don't worry...Einstein was a late talker too. Don't worry...just give it a few months." Some examples: Another parent remembers, "I wanted to believe that nothing was wrong. My pediatrician suggested we see a specialist just to rule it out -- I believe she said, 'What do we have to lose?'In retrospect, I now understand just what we would have lost if we hadn't found out about my son's autism at age 2. We would have lost valuable time; we would have wasted my son's potential. Now, after three years of special interventions, my son has made more progress than if we had waited." 結論就是 有興趣的可以去 www.pthomecare.com 逛逛。 |
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