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送交者: muchomoney 2007年12月06日18:21:00 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話

everytime i read bro NW story, i have this refreshed feeling. This is what I called (learned from teresa teng) the chinese spirits, the spirit of relentless pursuing/ fighting for better life and happiness. sometimes I wonder where this spirit originates. I often feel at lost. I now think that this comes from the praying to our ancestors. Our ancestor figures were replaced by our mother or father's figure in recent chinese history.

So sometimes we draw energy from parents. sometimes when those parents are not exactly the proper role models, most of us will feel totally at lost. Therefore, some of us develop those anti-tradition, anti-social feelings and emotions.

If however we can reverse these recent negative trend, we will be in much better shape. We then can relate, connect, and draw energy from the collective wisdoms of our ancestors. The power we gain should be much greater than that of those from our parents.

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