今天的美國人在其本國之內,不會爭鬥的你死我活 |
送交者: NoWorry 2008年01月15日16:00:40 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話 |
(CNN) -- Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama both called for an end to a bitter fight in a racially charged debate that has roiled the Democratic presidential contest over the last few days. At a news conference Monday in Reno, Nevada, Obama said that he is "concerned about the tenor the campaign has taken in the last couple days." "I think that I may disagree with Sen. Clinton or Sen. Edwards on how to get things done, but we share the same goals. We're all Democrats, we all believe in civil rights, we all believe in equal rights," said the senator from Illinois. "I think they're good people, they are patriots and they are running because they think they can lead this country to a better place, and I don't want the campaign in this stage to degenerate into so much tit for tat back and forth that we lose sight of why all of us are doing this." Obama also warned his supporters to play fair. "If I hear my own supporters engaging in talk that I think is ungenerous or misleading or in some way is unfair, then I will speak out forcefully against them and I hope the other campaigns take the same approach," he said. After Obama's statement, Clinton released her own remarks, saying the heated exchanges "I know does not reflect what is in our hearts." "We differ on a lot of things ... but when it comes to civil rights and our commitment to diversity, when it comes to our heroes -- President John F. Kennedy and Dr. King -- Sen. Obama and I are on the same side," she said. "And in that spirit, let's come together, because I want more than anything else to ensure that our family stays together on the front lines of the struggle to expand rights for all Americans." 無憂非常高興這一報道, 也為歐巴馬和嗨利銳感到欣慰和慶幸, 他們不虧為是偉大的美國所培育的偉大政治家。 在美國任何歧視是絕對違法的,為大多數美國人所嫉恨的, 一個自己本身原來是被歧視的一族,反而有歧視他人的意識和言行, 在美國更是讓人覺得卑鄙無恥。 與此同時, 在如今的美國, 動不動就以歧視說事, 尤其是以種族說事, 也是令人及其反感的。 比如你的孩子沒有上到好的大學, 你的飯吃的不是那麼香甜,你的房子住的不是那麼豪華, 你的車開的不是那麼亮麗, 也說成是因為你的皮膚不白,或是不黃, 美國人不會買你的仗, 知道你是在給自己沒有出息, 沒有本事, 沒有進取找藉口, 甚至覺得你很可憐, 很無聊。 嗨利銳並沒有否定偉大的金,相反她是在說明偉大的金和偉大的張森都為美國社會同樣做出了偉大的貢獻。這歐巴馬是清楚的, 美國人民是清楚的,誰在這時想挑起種族的分歧都是徒勞的, 事與願違的。故此歐巴馬不再說此事, 實事上, 歐巴馬和嗨利銳在這次競選中都沒有打所謂的弱勢的牌子, 因為他們知道, 這是沒有用的, 美國的確是個很平等, 任人唯賢的,只要你有本事, 有人格, 你的父母就是要飯的花子, 你本人也有可能當總統的。 在沒有極大的特殊變化下, 無憂認為嗨利銳不但能贏民主黨的後選人, 而且還能入主白宮, 成為美國有史以來第一位女性總統, 這也是偉大的無憂, 具有偉大開明意識的無憂所企盼的。 今天的美國人在其本國之內,不會因為政治權力,經濟利益,名譽高低,意識形態而爭鬥的你死我活, 這是一個多麼偉大的進步, 光輝的文明?這不僅是我們美國人,包括你我這樣剛剛下船的新來的美國人的幸運,財富和幸福, 更是其它國家和民族所應效仿和學習的, 美國人的精神是目前人類的精髓, 這你不能否認, 也無法否認,不管你願意不願意的承認。 |
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