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送交者: yellow witch 2013年11月19日15:59:18 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話


Weekly Educational Article -


BY DR. AIMEE KIMBALL//Sport Psychologist
Have you ever said mean things to yourself like, “You are awful. You are the slowest person in the water,” or “There is no way I’m going to get better, I should just quit?”

If so, imagine how you would react if someone else said those things to you. You would definitely be angry and possibly push them in the pool. My point is, don’t say anything to yourself that you wouldn’t let anyone else get away with.

Tips for helping you quiet the negative talk in your head:

Be your own biggest fan.

Imagine the president of your fan club standing on your shoulder wearing a T-shirt with your face on it telling you, “You’re awesome. You’ve worked so hard, I know you’ll do well. You deserve to be out here, show them what you got.” Cheer yourself on and have your “biggest fan” fill your head with positive thoughts. 

 Write down your negative thoughts.

Write a list of things you typically say to yourself, then counteract those thoughts with something positive. For example, if you write down “I’m not nearly as good as her. There’s no way I can win,” you can cross it out and say to yourself, “She’s fast, but I don’t control her. I am going swim my best and get a great time.”

Create more positives than negatives.

Any time you say something negative, make yourself say two things you’re doing well. For example, if you say, “My turns are awful,” you have to positively refocus yourself by saying, “I have a great stroke and my starts are fantastic.” Tell your coach, your teammates, and your parents to enforce this with you, too, in all areas of your life.

Make it Great! 

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