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Susan八年級校園生活(15)-- D.A.R.E課(拒絕毒品)
送交者: 小哭 2014年02月03日14:20:27 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話


Susan 小哭譯

過去的幾個月裡,我上了一門叫做“D.A.R.E”的課程。“D.A.R.E.”是“拒絕毒品的教育”的首字母縮寫。如其字面意義,這門課的目的是教育我這麼大的年青人,有關毒品可能會被如何濫用以及如何對這事兒說“不”的。 “D.A.R.E.”課由C 警官上,他時常到我們學校和學生們在一起。C 真的是一個很不錯的人。他與###學區的學生們合作了很久。除去我和幾個新搬來的學生,多數人是從他們上小學時起就認識了C 警官。說每一個人都喜歡C 應該不算過份,他是整個學校中最受歡迎的成年人之一。

可能是因為這個原因,每個人都很喜歡D.A.R.E.課。通常,我不會期待一組初中生會喜歡上一門教他們一些象“如何對某人說不”或“為什麼大麻對你不好”這樣的課程。從我過去的經驗來看,教授生活技能的課程不會是最受歡迎的一類。然而,我們班的同學們卻在第一次聽說C 警官將在今年來教D.A.R.E.課時欣喜若狂!由於他們對我本以為會是很枯燥的一門課程的奇怪反應,激起了我想去看看D.A.R.E.都在講什麼的興趣。

終於等來了上課的這一天。在一個星期四的第五小節,我們上了第一次課。通常第五小節是用來上ELA課程的,但是學區認為D.A.R.E.課是如此地重要,決定讓C 警官每周四的ELA時間過來教D.A.R.E.。這門課不是只有我們班自己上,是所有八年級的學生一起上。事實證明,D.A.R.E.課真的比我想象的要好多了(我沒有想過它會有多麼地糟,但是我也沒有期望過它會有多麼地好)。C 警官真的是一個了不起的人。他有幽默感,平等地對待所教的學生,這一點幾乎沒有幾個成年人能夠成功地做到。於是我也相當地喜歡D.A.R.E.課了。

好了,關於C 說得夠多的了。你可能更想知道我們實際上在課堂上幹了什麼吧。第一天,我們做了三個手工:名字標牌、作業套裝和課堂套裝。名字標牌就是:在一個名字卡上寫上我們的名字,做成標牌,以便C 警官知道管我們叫什麼。作業套裝很鮮艷,在一個像是塑料一樣的紙上已經整齊地打印好了內容。套裝其實很小,只有丁丁點的地方填寫我們不得不填寫的東西。上面的問題是那些能夠讓我們思考如何將我們在課堂上學到的東西應用在生活中的問題。其中的一個問題是“我們今天在課堂上討論了回絕不好的請求這事兒。請寫下五個你曾經在哪兒見證過的某人拒絕某事的情形。他們是屬於挑釁性的、冷漠性的還是堅決的?”我喜歡這個作業套裝,因為它能夠幫我弄清楚如何把學到的東西應用到生活中。

課堂套裝主要是圖片和照片以及C 警官所教東西的解釋性文字。每一年,C 警官都來教D.A.R.E.課程,每一年的主題都不相同。今年,D.A.R.E.主要的關注點可以用另一組首字母縮寫“R.E.A.L.”來表示。“R.E.A.L.”表示“拒絕、解釋、迴避、離開”。那些就是C 警官這幾個月來反覆教授我們的四個策略。我發現它們絕大多數都是常識性的知識:“如果一個人供給你毒品而你並不想要,拒絕。如果這個人之後繼續提供給你毒品,你應該解釋為什麼拒絕。如果這樣還不行,離開這個環境。甚至還有一些更好的辦法:要在下次避免那種環境,這樣你就用不着不得不去處理那些令人棘手的麻煩了。”這很簡單。然而即使那是常識,每一個人都知道常識正是青少年所缺乏的並且需要的。D.A.R.E.是非常有用的課,它讓我對拒絕毒品時要說什麼有所準備。如果不是因為D.A.R.E.課,我可能直到那一天來臨時,都不曾思考過到時候要去說什麼。

除了R.E.A.L.,我們在D.A.R.E.課上學會的另一件重要的事情是關於毒品的一些事實。C 警官教給我們關於迷幻藥的知識,說它可能會以一種看起來象糖一樣的藥丸的樣子出現。他教我們怎麼樣去區分它們,告訴我們那些小藥丸可能帶來的那些有害的作用。那種被設計成讓人們感覺“興奮”的毒品,聽起來就像我曾經對毒品的預料一樣,真的很可怕。他也教我們關於大麻和煙草的知識,還有一點關於酒精的知識。他說那些是“入門毒品”,因為人們通常從這裡開始,然後才進入到越來越刺激的如可卡因或甲安菲他明等毒品。這些確鑿的信息最令人興奮。我了解了以前一點都不懂的關於非法毒品的知識。C 給我們看現實生活中的實例。他給我們看隱蔽攝像頭拍攝的毒品交易的紀實片段,以及接下來警察是怎麼來的並且逮捕了毒販子。他甚至帶來了一個真正的大麻煙管,我們都聞了,味道很糟糕。





總的來說,我認為D.A.R.E.課很成功。它教了我許多東西,我為自己能夠擁有這樣的課程很感恩。我想感謝C 警官和所有那些讓D.A.R.E.課程能夠開課的人們。對我來說,這門課是一次非常有趣的體驗。











For the past few months, I took a class called “D.A.R.E.”. “D.A.R.E.” is an acronym for “Drug Abuse Resistance Education”. Like the name says, the purpose of the class was to educate young people like me and my classmates about how drugs can be abused are and how to say “no” to them. D.A.R.E. classes were taught by Officer C, a police officer who often wosrk with the students at my school. Officer C’s a really nice guy. He has been working with District ### students for a very long time. Most students, with the exception of myself and a few others who just moved here, have known Officer C since they were in elementary school. It wouldn’t be an overstatment to say that everybody likes him. He’s one of the most popular adults in the whole school.

It was probably for this reason that everybody enjoyed D.A.R.E. classes. Usually, I would not have expected a group of middle-school students to enjoy a class that teaches stuff like “How to say no to someone” or “Why marijuana is bad for you”. From my past experiences, classes that teach about life skills aren’t the most popular ones. However, when my class first heard that Officer C was going to come and teach D.A.R.E. this year, they were ecstatic! Because of this strange response to what I had thought would be a boring class, I was very interested to see what D.A.R.E. was all about.

The day finally came. The first class was on a Thursday, during 5th period. 5th period would normally be part of ELA class, but the school district consider D.A.R.E. just as important, so it was decided that Officer C would come to teach D.A.R.E. every Thursday during ELA. It wasn’t just our class, but all the classes in 8th grade. It turned out that D.A.R.E. lessons were actually better than I had thought (I didn’t think it would be really bad, but I didn’t expect it to be very good either). Officer C really is a great guy. He has a sense of humor, and he treats his students like equals, a feat that few adults have managed to achieve. I ended up enjoying D.A.R.E. classes quite a lot.

Anyway, enough about C. You all probably want to know more about what we actually did in class. On the first day, we were handed three items: a name tag, a homework packet, and a class packet. The nametag was just that: a name tag to write our names on so Officer C would know what to call us. The homework packet was really colorful and neatly printed on a plastic-like paper. It was really small, with only few spaces we had to fill in. The questions were questions that made us think about how we can apply what we learned in class to our life. One of them was “We talked about refusing bad requests in class today. Write down five situations where you have witness someone refusing something. Were they aggressive, passive, or assertive?”. I liked the homeowork packet, because it helped me figure out how I could use what I’ve learned in my life.

The class packet was mostly pictures and photos and words explaining what Officer C taught us. Every year, Officer C comes in to teach D.A.R.E. classes, and every year, the main idea is different. This year, the major focus for D.A.R.E. could be found in another acronym: R.E.A.L. “R.E.A.L.” stands for “Refuse, Explain, Avoid, Leave”. Those were the four strategies Officer C drilled into us for months. I found that most of it was common sense: “If a person if offering you drugs and you don’t want it, refuse. If the person is still offering you drugs after that, you should explain why you refused. If that still doesn't work, leave the situation. Here’s something ever better: avoid that kind of situaion next time so you won’t have to go through all that awkward process.” It was simple. However even though it was common sense, everybody knows that common-sense is something teenagers lack and need. D.A.R.E. was very helpful, and it prepared me for what to say to refuse drugs. If not for D.A.R.E., I would most likely never think about what I would actually say until the day comes.

Aside from R.E.A.L., another important thing we learned in D.A.R.E. was facts about drugs. Officer C taught us about ecstacy, and about how it can come in little pills that can look like candy. He taught us how to identify them, and told us about the harmful effects those little pills can have. It sounded really horrible, just like what I had expected from a drug that was designed to make people feel “high”. He also taught us about marijuana and tobaco, and a little about alcohol. Those are the “gateway drugs”, he said, because people usually start with them, and then work their way up to more and more potent drugs like cocaine or meth. The factual information part was the most interesting. I understood so much more about illegal drugs that I had no idea of before. C showed us real-life examples. He showed us real footage filmed by a hidden camera about a drug deal, about then showd how the police came and arrested the drug dealers. He even brought in an actual marijuana pipe, and we smelled it. It smelled awful.

After a few months of D.A.R.E. lessons, we had a final test. It wasn’t really a test really, more like a quiz. It was really easy, and I think everyone passed it. Then, just this morning, we had our graduations. D.A.R.E. graduations, not 8th grade graduations. I had envisioned it to be like a formal graduation, with each of us getting called to the stage to be presented a certificate or something. However, it turned out to be a lot less dramatic.

The first part of the “graduation” was a presentation on how dogs are used in police departments. Hinsdale does not have a canine department, but the neighboring town does, so they sent their dog (they only have one) and its owner, the police officer, to our school, and they gave us a demonstration. The police officer who trained the dog showed us how it can find drugs (he hid a tiny bit on the stage for this) and how it can follow orders. Toto (I don’t know if that’s his name, I know it begins with a T) could do both very well. I’ve never seen a better trained dog. And to top it off, he’s really cute! A magnificent breed of German Shephard.

The second, and sadly final, part of the “graduation” was about three kids. One was 17 years old, one was 18, and one was going to turn 19 soon (this last one got a loud cheer from our whole grade and we all wished him a happy early bithday). They were all drug addicts who are now currently in rehab. They told us their story and answered some questions for us. I noticed that all three of them were from really rough and poor neighborhoods. They obviously didn’t grow up with the sort of drug education like we were receiving then. That really made me realize how lucky I am, and how important D.A.R.E. is. If they had the chance to take D.A.R.E. lessons like us when they were young, they probably wouldn’t have been there today.

After some Q and A with the three guests, the graduation was over. Over! Just like that. We were told that our ELA teachers would give us our certificates next time we see them. Although I didn’t get what I had expected, I think what I got was better. Hearing from the dog trainer and from the three kids was way more interesting than going up one by one to receive a certificate. Everyone, including myself, had a lot of fun hearing one of the boys’ story. He kept on swearing by accident, because it has become a habit for him, and he kept on appologizing for it, since swearing is bad, especially in school. I think the three boys did great, and they were really brave sharing their story with us.

All in all, I believe D.A.R.E. was a success. It taught me a lot, and I am very grateful for having this class. I want to thank Officer C and all those that made D.A.R.E. possible. It has been a very interesting experience for me.

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