ZT: 有关自闭的一点经验 by laotu (老土) |
送交者: 姿姿 2010年07月17日09:59:00 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话 |
我儿子两岁时被医生诊断为自闭(三年前), 主要是不说话,不肯和小朋友交往,去年七月见医生, 医生说可以CLOSE FILE 了。
下面两分报告是今年幼儿园给我们的,算是警报彻底解除了。 1, Andrew is a quiet shy member of our class. He is starting to say good morning and use more eye contact when greeting the teachers. Good effort, Andrew. He is following routines from the teachers. We have to encourage Andrew to listen to instructions and listen during circle time. This will help him when it is activity time. If he is called on during calendar time, he tries to participate with some coaching. We are pleased that Andrew is asking questions of his teachers, coming up to us, looking for direction and approval. We continue to praise Andrew, give him hugs, use consistent language and directions to make him feel confident and secure in the C Room. Practice at home, counting talking in sentences would be good modelling too! Keep working hard, Andrew! Jan. 2010 2, We are happy to see that Andrew has become more comfortable in the C Room. He initiates conversations all the time with his teachers and has become much more verbal. Andrew also participates more during circle time without being called upon and he is more confident in his abilities to answer questions. Great improvement, Andrew! We have also seen a lot of progress in Andrew’s math and reading readiness skills this term. This is due to extra practice from home and at school. Thank- you mom and dad for your help in these areas. With continued practice we are sure to see even more progress in these areas in senior Kindergarten. Andrew has had a successful 2nd term and we are proud of how far a long he has come. Great job Andrew and have a great summer! June, 2010 我儿子刚刚过五岁,现在开始学习写字和背单词了,虽说有点晚,但进步很快。 我们的目标是: 1, 让他开口说话。 2, 鼓励他交同年朋友,从一个开始 3, 让他学会自信 一些具体做法: 1, 立马送幼儿园, 幼儿园是最好的培训场所 2, 取消电视,家里两年没有电视, 大家都不看,直到医生说没问题了,我们今年才开通电视。 3, 没有任何电子游戏及一个人玩的玩具, 包括拼图啥的, 其目的就是不能让他一个人玩,要玩大家一起玩。 4, 找一个正常的一样大的小孩的家庭,一起出游,保持了两年。 5, 不批评他只有鼓励,任何进步都要表扬, 培养他的自信, 尝试一切运动和活动, 只要他有兴趣。 6, 不管啥活动,父母一起参加,其中一人一直保持对他的关注, 让他有安全感, 和其他小孩玩时大人先要介入一段时间, 然后慢慢退出。 7, 回国一个月,据说有效果, 但无法考证,回来后说话明显改善,这是事实。 8, 断奶瓶,特别是夜奶, 改用杯子喝奶。 9, 吃饭问题,发现他在饭店吃得好,不过这个太费钱了。 不过饭店气氛好, 有助于他适应人多地环境。 10, 关于政府的PROGRAM, 只参加了一期,发现用处不大,浪费时间和精力,取消了,培训机构就派了个人定期到幼儿园跟踪。 11, 上门社工,来了两三次,发现用处不大, 还耽误儿子上幼儿园, 也取消了。 如果孩子两岁时有语言障碍,应立马看专科医生,越早介入越容易, 每个孩子都不一样,父母是最好的治疗师, 要有耐心, 其实也没什么, 这边医生对自闭的定义很宽, 除非特别严重的, 一般都能恢复到正常。 一直和人用PM交流一些信息,总结了一下,就是上面这些了, 我们从来没有对这个问题困扰过, 其中也咨询了些有效果的家长(华人家庭,美国、欧洲的都有), 也许他根本就不是自闭, 但这个不能赌, 积极应对才是硬道理。 |
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