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聼雪:儿子的Lego Design(一)
送交者: 聼雪 2011年07月12日19:06:53 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话

儿子从小喜欢玩儿Lego,听说妈妈开了博客,每天有很多人来看,挺羡慕的。我就提议在这里给他一个地盘儿。如果你的孩子也喜欢Lego,欢迎他们来看看!他会用英文介绍他的东西。(我在打这些字的时候,他就在一边儿跟着读拼音,读得还挺像那么一回事儿的!其实我没教过他拼音,他自己figured it out.)

As most of you have already read, I am an avid fan of LEGO.  I have built many creations, using both the System style of build (the classic bricks) and the BIONICLE/Hero Factory style (ball and joint systems). I heard that Mom had started a blog, and she offered me a spot on the blog with my LEGO Creations.  So, here I am.  Please Enjoy!

(One should know that I am also a Star Wars fan, and many of my System creations have something to do with the Star Wars Universe.)


This is a Star Wars attack ship called the Sidewinder.  It took me about a week to finish.  I constructed the basic frame out of plates, then added some meat to it with 2x4 bricks and more plates.  All this took about a two days.  I had the basic version down.  Then I decided it could do with some more work.  It took me another day to flesh out the wings, add more weapons, and install the rotating cannon.  This was Version 2.  Finally, I decided to put some more details, arriving at Version 3, which is seen below.



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