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大呆鸟:依依的小说 (2)
送交者: 大呆鸟 2011年11月23日09:19:31 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话

  Chapter 2 :

  The Great Chase

  FINALLY! I thought. The bell rang. I headed off to the science room where Dr. Hikler teaches. I couldn’t stop smiling as I walked down the hall. Finally ! No more Ms. Jordanhyn. I was so happy I skipped down the hall. The door to the science room was closed.

  That’s weird I thought Dr. Hikler always leaves the door open. I stood there for awhile wondering why the door was closed. “Don’t just stand there you fool! Enter!” said a cool voice. The smile quickly washed from my face as I opened the door. I accidentally let out a loud, long groan. “What part of ‘Enter’ do you not understand. What a stupid, foolish girl you are! You should learn from Enji!” She pointed at Enji who was chewing gum and sticking it on the seat next to her. I made a mental note not to ever again sit at that seat even if the janitor washes it off. So I decided to sit next to that new girl Melinda. “Let’s begin.” said Ms. Jordanhyn “Class, today we will cover the water cycle. I want no complainments no excuses and no going into La La Land.”

  I frowned at what she said. We covered the water cycle in 4th grade, and that’s excactly what I told her. “I said no complainment’s Julia Alkaroy. If your stupid head is empty and useless just say ‘Ms. Jordanhyn , I’m too stupid and dumb to know anything about the water cycle. I should learn from your beautiful and smart daughter Enji! But I was to stupid to do that’ THAT would have been the least you can say instead of making up your baby excuses.”

  I clenched my fist as Team Enji laughed their butt off. That’s when Melinda did something strange. She reached over the aisle and patted my arm and mumbled something I didn’t understand. I hardly knew her and the only people I know who would have any chance of reaching over the aisle and patting my arm are Trista and Davy and even THEY don’t do that.

  For the rest of my lesson on the water cycle I disobeyed Ms. Jordanhyn’ s rule and went to La La Land. Luckily, she never called on me because I was ‘ten times as dumb as an ox’ as she said it. I finally went off to math which was my last subject before lunch.

  I went to math and guess who was waiting for me at the door? Yup that’s right. It was Ms. Jordanhyn. “Ahh... Ms. Julia Alkaroy how nice to see you,”

  But I could tell by the tone of her voice that she would dearly love to say ‘Ugh...You again? How dreadful to see you.’ Again, I went over to sit next to Melinda. “Where are your manners?” said a sharp voice. “ Nice to see you Ms.Jordanhyn,” I said clenching my teeth. I turned back to Melinda. She had a rather worried look on her face. I don’t no why. All I did was get yelled at.

  I zoned out on what Ms. Jordanhyn was saying. She was teaching us multiplication facts up to five. I think what she was trying to do is teach something Enji knew (which there isn’t a lot of) so the great stupid brat wouldn’t feel left out. “ Julia did you hear me?” asked a sharp voice. “Uhh...” I began “ What was the question again?”

  “Not paying attention hmm? Well, bird brain, the question was what is 234,563,223 divided by 34,654? Oh yes, and solve it in your head.” said Ms. Jordanhyn. I could tell see was enjoying every second of this. “Well?” she snapped. I decided to tell the truth. It would be too hard guessing. “ I don’t no ma’am.” I said slowly. “Going into Lala Land again are you? If you were paying attention you would be smart and know the answer.” said Ms. Jordanhyn with her eyes flashing red. I hate it when she does that, a chill went through me spine. That’s when I lost my temper and shouted at my teacher “ Well if your so smart why don’t you tell us the answer then huh ?”

  To my surprise she hesitated for a few seconds. Then her eyes turned red. And it stayed red. Devil horns and and several devil tails started growing out of her. Her fangs grew as long as T-Rex teeth. “ I’ve had enough you Julia. I tried to be nice but I guess you’ll have to learn the hard way. Enji! Destroy her.”

  “ Yes mother.”

  That’s when I realized for the first time that Enji had transformed to. And unfortunately so had her friends. Nikolas looked shocked that his girl friend was really a- well-whatever you call that creature. Melinda didn’t think twice. She grabed my hand and headed for the door. “Too late.” hissed Ms. Jordanhyn. “I glued it shut.” She cackled like a witch. Then Melinda did something a lot more strange then patting my hand. She pointed her pinkie finger at the door and shouted “Triconoldia!”. As if by magic, the door flew open. Ms. Jordanhyn looked a tad disappointed. “ Go Enji! What are you waiting for?”

  “Oh um.. yes of course.” She grabbed her baseball bat and charged toward us. She kind of reminded me of a out of control bull. I didn’t need Melinda telling me to run. We sprinted down the hall and turned and hid in the computer lab. We were both out of breath. “That... was... clo-”

  “Shhh.....” whispered Melinda “Listen.”

  “Alright gang...”

  My eyes widened. That was Enji’s voice.

  “ The only way we’ll find those elves is if we split up. Molly, you and Georgina scan the math and reading room. Gina, you and Casey look in the art and music room. Prina, you and Lian search the language arts and Spanish room. And I’ll take care the library and the computer lab.”

  Melinda and I didn’t waste a second. As soon as we heard the word ‘computer lab’, Melinda and I raced to the the door. Lucky for us Enji went to the library first. “Should we split up?’ I whispered. “No!” hissed Melinda “You don’t know any magic. It’s too dangerous for you Julia.”

  I probably heard her wrong when she said ‘magic’. “Follow me.” she whispered. She tiptoed to the girls bathroom. I didn’t have a choice but to follow her. There were only two stalls in the girls bathroom. Melinda chose the last stall. “Stand on the toilet so they don’t see our feet.” I whispered. “Good thinking.” she said quietly. Neither of us were tall enough for our heads to be peeking above the stall.

  We were probably standing there for about half an hour when suddenly we heard a hissing voice outside.

  “...those stupid little brats. Where could they be? We searched every where. You guys go tell my mother. I need to use the bathroom.”

  We heard the door open. And foot steps heading to our direction. I was shaking with fear. But luckily for us she chose the other stall.

  “Ugh... Again! This is the third time this week they ran out of toilet paper. The other stall better have some!”

  We heard foot steps coming this way. My eyes widened so did Melinda’s. The door flew open but before I saw anything Melinda had once again pointed her pinkie finger but this time she yelled something else this time “Blindfojes Alamortes!”

  “Ahh!” Enji screamed “My eyes! they’re blind! Ugh that stupid brat Melinda.”

  “Hurry!” yelled Melinda “ She won’t be like that for long.”

  We ran out of the bath room speedy quick. We looked to the right and saw a whole army of those ‘creatures’. So we took of toward the right . But it didn’t take long for us to find out that there was another group of those ‘creatures’ coming toward us in the right.

  Melinda shouted “Bombishious” while pointing her pinkie finger at them. The whole group of them exploded. I would of laughed if it wasn’t for the situation we were in right now. She did that to the other group. This time only one of them exploded. She kept doing it while running. Although unfortunately they reappeared about two minutes later. I felt kind of guilty for not helping her so I tried the same thing. “Bombishious!” I yelled while pointing my pinkie finger at them. Nothing happened. I kept trying again and again. Still, nothing happened. Eventually, Melinda got frustrated and yelled “I’ll meet you next time!”

  She grabbed my hand tightly and whispered “Shift.” Wings sprouted out from her. She flapped then and with great force she flew out of the school breaking though the ceiling like super man. She wasn’t human. “ I’m not human.” she said looking at my curious look.

  “Who are you?” I asked “Really.”

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