From sex offender to Little Children |
送交者: ChiuLan 2005年07月29日15:07:03 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话 |
Hi Celery, Thanks for sharing this important piece of information. And thanks for your kind words on my recent post “Sparrow or Phoenix”. I like your saying to one other parent “You've got to get to used to the few who enjoy "splitting hairs" on petty issues, and picking out a few words or a sentence from one good article and make a big deal outside the main points. :)”, which get me prepared too as a newcomer to the forum. I did a quick search on that website and found a couple of hundreds listed under NJ and even one just in my own town. I feel that it’s a tricky balance – On one hand, we don’t want to scare our kids showing them too much of the dark side of the world. One the other hand, we want them to be alert to avoid any harm that will stay with them for the rest of their life. This brought me to recommend, "Little Children", a wonderful fiction book on suburban parents. One of the main characters is a sex offenders living in an uptight neighborhood. After reading half of the book, I felt really sorry and even some compassion for the poor guy, especially I read somewhere saying that many of them can’t control themselves since it’s something to do with unbalanced chemicals in their body system. But you know that one has to protect one’s children. Read the reviews on Amazon
BTW, something fun related to the "downhill" relationship after getting married I heard on CarTalk, one of my favorite programs on NPR. The two guys do have insights on many things besides cars. It's about a lady who wrote a letter to a helpline on relationship: Dear helpline,
Here is the reply from the helpline: Dear Ms. Desperate:
Enjoy life! ChiuLan
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