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头疼妈妈:montessori vs. public school
送交者: 头疼妈妈 2005年11月13日14:00:50 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话

My son started w/ montessor when he was 3 yrs old; he was considered to be the perfect montessori kid, everybody loved him, he was a very happy boy. but after we moved, i sent him to another one that's close to where we live, he just hated to be there, he cried every morning for 2 months, so i had to take him out and put him in another private pre/school, he loved it, especially kindergarden, but they have only up to k/1st combined. Now he's in 2nd grade in public school. with more and more kids in the classroom, i'm really worried. he seems to need a lot of attention. his 1st grade was ok, he had a lot of opportunities to show himself. but here comes 2nd grade, he's almost falling into the category of "trouble maker". Talked to his teacher and previous teacher, they think he's just too young, not mature enough, only time can help. yes, he's young for the grade, but his k-teacher strongly recommended him to go to 1st grade when i was still hesitating doing that. So, repeating grade is really not an option, transferring to private school? it's bit out of my budget, engergy ... i also have older kid in the same public school.

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