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Should I do this? (I)
送交者: East 2006年07月16日15:38:43 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话

I have a unique problem and would like to hear what other people say about it.
I have worked for an east coast pharmaceutical company for a few years. Through work I befriend a lady, who works in the same company, during the years. We became good friends when working together. Our relation is close but never sexual. The most we have done is kissing on the lips and hugging. She now works in a different department in the same company. Her husband, who I have never met, is a professor in a very good university in the same area.
We talk to each other about problems in work or life and really enjoy each other’s company.

We both are in late 30s and married for many years. I have two beautiful twin daughters. She does not have any kid. From what I feel, she has a very good relation with her husband. Needless to say, I have a happy family too.
Everytime I bring my daughters to the company, she likes to play with them and joke about adopting one of them. We never cross the line and always go home to our families respectively every day. Ideally we will heep going on like this and nothing else will happen.

Over the years, she has confided to me that she cannot have babies because a condition with her husband. They tried and tested many times and got the same result. I can tell that she really wants to be a mother and will be a good one by observing her interactions with my kids.

Recently she told me that she wanted me to make a baby with her. According to her, her husband more or less has agreed about this since her biological clock is ticking louder and louder. She was very sincere but I was a little shocked to answer her. She half joked we could go to a nice hotel and have many romantic encounters.

She is above average looking but has a very good body compared to women around her age. I guess that is one of the benefits of not haven been pregnant before. I have to say I was tempted many times during our friendship, especially when you can see her curvy body in summer clothes. I have imagined having an affair with her. But I have never acted on it due to my strong responsibilities to my wife and kids. The last thing I want to see is to break either family. Also sometime deep in the night when I cannot sleep, I think about the having a son of my own.

What should I do here? What are the responsibilities I have for the future baby? I am worried about her husband may change his mind down the road. On the other hand, I cannot imagine what will happen if my wife ever finds this out.

I want to hear what you say, especially if you have similar experiences.

A lost man

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