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给大家推荐一本书 (understanding our mind)
送交者: layworld 2007年06月15日17:00:33 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话




book information below is from amazon.com:

Paperback: 250 pages
Publisher: Parallax Press; Reprint edition (February 15, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1888375302
ISBN-13: 978-1888375305

Editorial Reviews

Book De????ion

This profound look at Buddhist psychology offers important insights into how Buddhism's ancient teachings apply to the modern world. Basing his work on the writings of the great fifth-century Buddhist master Vasubandhu and the teachings of the Avatamsaka Sutra, Thich Nhat Hanh focuses on the direct experience of recognizing the true nature of consciousness. Presenting the basic teachings of Buddhist applied psychology, he shows how the mind is like a field, where every kind of seed is planted — seeds of suffering, anger, happiness, and peace. The quality of life, he writes, depends on the quality of the seeds. By learning how to water seeds of joy and transform seeds of suffering, understanding, love, and compassion can flower.

About the Author
Thich Nhat Hanh is a Vietnamese Buddhist monk, poet and scholar. He is the founder of Van Hanh Buddhist University in Saigon. Since the early 1980s he has come to North America regularly to lecture and give retreats on the art of mindful living. He leads a meditation community in southwestern France and is author of 40 books in English. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

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