不是命不好, 是生活方式的不同 |
送交者: NoWorry 2008年02月06日15:08:34 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话 |
上周末, 全家人参加了一朋友的结婚仪式。新娘是刚来美国住在我家相识的朋友。她聪明能干, 七八年的拼打, 如今有象样的工作,还准备再读个法学学位, 九十多万的毫宅, 朗君文质彬彬, 白人美国人,理工博士, 一眼看去, 就是位绅士。 婚礼是在都市的一条大河的轮船上举行。朋友们, 白的, 黑的, 黄的 还有棕色的为新郎新娘举杯祝愿。场面甚是感人,我们的两个小女儿非常高兴, 太太和我更是激动不已。 站在船头, 太太不胜感慨地对无忧说,"我们命苦, 连婚礼都没有。"无忧笑答道,"不是命不好, 是生活方式的不同。能在那时大陆上大学的人, 命会不好吗? 那时能出国留学的人, 命能不好吗? 现在能住百万房, 开叉五车, 命不好, 别人相信吗?有如花的女儿, 天使般的孩子,还有这绅士的先生无忧, 你命不好,谁又会比你命好?虽有千千万万的人跟我们的命一样好。" 无忧开导太太讲, "不同的时代, 不同的阶段, 有不同的生活方式嘛。我们这几代留学生, 每个人的经历不同,但大致相似, 结果相同。没有婚礼, 是我们时代的象征, 我们谁没到餐馆端过盘子? 进过实验室刷过管子?谁没过过苦日子? 大家现在不是都很好吗, 最起码, 我们认识的人不是都很不错吗?“ 要望前看,明天会更好, 这是伟大的无忧一贯的想法和态度。 人不能老提过去, 好的坏的, 尤其不能自怜自惜, 正象无忧常说的, 别人可以同情你, 可怜你, 或者看不起你,但你自己绝对不能对自己这样。任何时候, 任何地方都不能这样。 这也就是为什么无忧很少提起悲惨的童年,痛苦的过去, 无忧有时需要他人的同情, 但不需要他人的眼泪。眼泪对无忧没有任何意义。今天没饭吃, 无忧需要的是碗饭, 明天没衣穿, 无忧需要的件衣服。过去就让它过去, 无忧想着的是今天和明天, 永远是今天和明天。 永远想着今天和明天。我想这是我们所应该的,更是我们应该教育我们的孩子们的。 I was lucky to meet my beautiful wife while we were graduates in an American college. It was a college town with a population of about 40, 000 including 23,000 students. Once she graduated, we thought we should be married. We went to the local court with our school bags on our backs. We told the court clerks that we wanted to marry. The clerks asked whether we had registered or not. We wondered why we needed to register since we loved each other and lived together for over three years. We just wanted to marry because we wanted to move to another city to look for jobs. The clerks said that we had to registered first and then get married. So we registered February 08, 1993. Two days later, we went to the court again with poor and humble shirts and pants. I told the clerks that we were ready to marry. The clerks asked us who our witnesses were. I asked them why we needed witnesses since we both loved each other. The clerks said that we had to have witnesses to get married. And I said to them how about they two (the clerks) to be our witnesses. The clerks said that they would love to. The honorable Judge Stone asked me and my wife a couple of questions as he usually did, and both my wife and I repeated “I do” a couple of times. And we were married without any celebration at all. My family and my wife’s family even didn’t know that we had a boyfriend or a girlfriend, let lone about our marriage. We just don’t want them to worry about us, since we knew that they did not have enough money for the plane tickets to USA, nor did we have enough money. We were officially married. We left the court. I told my wife that the judge last name Stone was great, which indicated our love and marriage would be as solid as a stone. It is very true. Now we love each other so dearly with two beautiful angels and a sweet home. Back to the apartment, I called a couple of friends on the campus. I told them that we were married and the next day we were going to New York to look for jobs. We threw all stuffs including books away, but kept few clothes and the blankets since our poor Ford escort car was too small. The next day, we drove seven hours to New York. Once in New York, it took us more than half a day reading local newspapers and trying to find jobs. We felt that New York was not good for us because of our majors, my wife’s major is American Literature and mine is Political Science. In the same day, we drove another five hours to the city where we are living now. It was late in the evening. It was cold and raining. We didn’t want to bother our friends in the city because we knew that we may bother them again later on. We slept in our tiny two-door car while it was raining that night. Early morning the next day, we found a public restroom and put on waiter and waitress clothes. Luckily enough, both of us found a restaurant part-time job. And our new life started and our new dream began,a beautiful, wonderful and sweet life and dream that we ever had. 今天是过年, 无忧代表党中央, 总统府, 白宫以及世界海外华人协会向世界各地华人拜年。 愿上帝和苍天保佑世界各地华人. |
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历史上的今天:回复热帖 |
2007: | PP带来的烤乳鸽 | |
2007: | 海归博士,清华毕业生赵春林,把自己的女 | |
2006: | 昨天我D放学时被一辆红车尾随了一百米 | |
2006: | 汇报一下我在新年Party 上是如何考老美 | |
2005: | 无梦的年华 | |
2005: | 当年考研 | |