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送交者: 笪缑 2009年02月17日20:07:03 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话
The Meadow I stray away from the winding path into a beautiful meadow. A meadow from heaven Is what it seems to be. I sit alone in these green grassy plains And lie back into a sunny patch. I settle down a bit, close my eyes And take in these new senses. All is right in the world. I can smell the freshly cut grass, Though nobody else is here to have cut it. Brightly colored flowers surround me Envelope me in a scented bed. I am at peace with myself. Me, myself, and I. Everything in life is perfect. I can hear my quiet breath The beat of my heart Nature uttering a story. A story of a time before buildings and people A time when the world was stunning. I am happy My heart is full As I let these images fill my head. When her story is over, I open my eyes and stare up to the sky. The bright cloudless never-ending region of infinity. The sun starts to set And I watch with sad eyes. As the sun takes the vision along Until all is all but forgotten. 这是女儿七年级的作业,好像有点参禅悟道的意思
  写得好!很大气!不愧是 - 笑微 02/18/09 (411)
    谢谢笑微夸奖。小老虎才大气呢 - 笪缑 02/18/09 (356)
      谢谢缑老师鼓励!老虎最近 - 笑微 02/18/09 (404)
        我今天晚上就给我的宝贝读这篇,明天写读后感 - rainbow 02/19/09 (175)
        小老虎的童话写的好,比那些所谓的名家都好。喜欢的不得了。  /无内容 - rainbow 02/19/09 (346)
          彩虹请进 - 笑微 02/19/09 (324)
            小老虎知道这么多中国文化啊!还知道双喜,抱一个! - rainbow 02/19/09 (269)
              哈哈,彩虹家的小宝贝太有才了! - 笑微 02/19/09 (222)
  哈哈,真不错!笪兄教导有方。  /无内容 - 枯木朽株 02/18/09 (240)
    朽株兄过奖 - 笪缑 02/18/09 (210)
      枯某幼时沉湎于读书,母亲见到就生气 - 枯木朽株 02/18/09 (142)
        现在恐怕是另一个极端 :)  /无内容 - 笪缑 02/18/09 (130)
  呵, 猴小姑娘诗写得美, 境界更美. :-)  /无内容 - 笑菡 02/18/09 (227)
    多谢菡妹妹。孩子写诗 - 笪缑 02/18/09 (164)
  越看越喜欢,好可爱的小精灵  /无内容 - rainbow 02/18/09 (330)
    谢谢彩虹妹 - 笪缑 02/18/09 (308)
      谢猴哥鼓励。 - rainbow 02/18/09 (259)
        看了彩虹写的那几首好诗,大受启发 - 笪缑 02/18/09 (190)
          猴哥过奖了。猴哥谦虚了。:)  /无内容 - rainbow 02/18/09 (177)
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