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catherine is here
送交者: 雪熙 2009年05月02日22:09:53 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话

catherine( my daughter input her name by herself),

She is here with me and we have great time,

We uploaded lots of picture , also cantherine worte number, she is good right now, she want to be a teacher one day,  o.k., pre-school teacher, like MS.Berdi,  

She told me that after she make money, she will give to me and bring her to play !!!!

Catherine remind me that I did not have my diner yet, so we decided to have dinner now,

See you ,




  happy birthday to Catherine  /无内容 - 风轻云淡 05/03/09 (215)
  So cute. Big hug.  /无内容 - rainbow 05/03/09 (243)
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