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rainbow: 该不该教孩子孝顺父母?
送交者: rainbow 2009年07月26日19:16:11 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话






Honor and help your parents

From a child's point of view, parents are sometimes hard to understand.

There are differences between generations. But truthfully, this is no barrier. When one is weak, it is a temptation to take refuge in subterfuges and lies: it is this which builds the wall.

Children can reconcile their differences with their parents. Before any shouting begins, one can at least try to talk it over quietly. If the child is frank and honest, there cannot help but be an appeal that will reach. It is often possible to attain a compromise where both sides now understand and can agree, It is not always easy to get along with others but one should try.

One cannot overlook the fact that almost always, parents are acting from a very strong desire to do what they believe to be best for the child.

Children are indebted to their parents for their upbringing - if the parents did so. While some parents are so fierecely independent that they will accept no return on the obligation, it is nevertheless true that there often comes a time when it is the turn of the younger generation to care for their parents.

In spite of all, one must remember that they are the only parents one has. And as such, no matter what, one should honor them and help them.

The way to happiness includes being on good terms with one's parents or those who brought one up.

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