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送交者: 小哭 2013年12月27日13:56:03 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话


Susan 小哭译





当然,实际上我并不能批评什么,因为我也没有一个更好的方案。我不是儿童专家,我不知道什么才是最好的育儿方法。我唯一能想到的办法就是一天有48个小时而不是24个小时。那样的话, 我就会有更多属于自己的时间去做我想做的事儿;那样的话,我就能体验生活了。只要我有时间去享受生活,我就确信自己能够感受到生活是一件多么美好的事情,














Homework. I’m really starting to hate that word. Before, homework had meant an opportunity to show off, and opportunity to once again reassure myself that I’m more intelligent than my classmates. Before, I never had to work very hard on homework, and I always did better on them than anyone else, thus making me feel special and smarter than everyoen else. However, this year, homework has taken on a whole new definition. And I’m really starting to hate this new definition.

First of all, the homework increased. Before, I only had about two or three hours worth of homework at most. Now, I’d be lucky if I only get three hours worth of homework. I’m in all advanced classes this year, so I have more homework than normal classes. I have at least: one to two hours of ELA homework every night, half an hour to an hour of math homework, half an hour of science, half an hour of ACE (that’s U.S. History), and half an hour of Spanish. That’s about three to four hours worth of homework each night, at the very least.

I get out of school at 2:45, the bus leaves at 3:00, I reach my house at about 3:20, and it usually takes me about half an hour to get a drink, calm down, and start organizing my afternoon. If I go to sleep at nine, I have about five hours to myself every day. Take an hour off for dinner, and that leaves me four hours. Four hours to myself every day apart from sleep, meals, and school. And what happens to those four precious hours? Homework. Homework, homework, homework, homework, homework!

Homework is taking over my life! School is taking over my life! I have no time left to myself anymore! In the mornings I go to school. In the afternoons, I come home and do homework, In the evenings, I eat dinner and do more homework. During the nights, I go to sleep, and the next morning, the cycle starts again. This isn’t what life is about! There should be more to life than just learning, learning, learning, learning, and learning. A bunch of the things I’m learning about is completely useless! I’m not usually the rebellious type, but this is just too much! I feel like I’m being forced to take part in a system whose’s main purpose to to control a teenager’s life and to make sure they don't get to have a childhood. I’m not saying this because I don’t like doing homework. A reasonable amount of homework is fine. But having to build and organize my whole life based on schoolwork? This…this is insane!

Of course, I’m not really in a position to criticize, since I don’t have any better alternatives. I’m no child expert, I don’t know that the best ways to educate children are. The only alternative I can think about is to extend the time we have every day to forty-eight hours instead of twenty-four. That way, I would have to more time to myself to do what I want. That way, I can experience life. And I’m sure I’ll find life to be a wonderful thing, if only I have the time to enjoy it.

Another reason that homework is harder this year is because it’s not just manual labor anymore. I actually have to think while I’m doing my homework. It’s actually challenging me. For example, we’re going to be studying philosophy and religion in ELA this year. My teacher already gave us all a book to read about this man who decided he wanted to go live in a forest away from civilization for two and a half years because he believes nature is where he can truly find himself and find God. It’s a very hard book to read. I spent more than an hour just to read seventeen pages a task I can usually do in fifteen minutes. Yes, homework is definitely going to be more challenging this year. But I’m looking forward to it.

I also have to do a passion project about something I’m interested in or something new I want to try. It can be anything. Some students have tried to learn a new instrument, some started a club or a fundraising charity group. Some just researched a lot on a subject and presented it, while some built a dollhouse from scratch. I decided to film a short movie that’s funny. And so, I have to somehow film a short movie in a month an a half, and make sure that it would make people laugh. A very hard and near-impossible task. But at least it’s fun, unlike all my other homeowork.

There are many more things I can say about homework, but I don’t have time to list them all. I would like to say one more thing before I go. Homework is starting to stress me out a little. Just a little, not too much. But it is starting to make me feel pressured. And I don’t like feeling pressured. Which is why I don’t like homework anymore. I really do hope that somehow, God will take the stress off my shoulders and help me find time to have a life outside of school and schoolwork. I trust in the Lord, and I trust that He knows what is best for me. If He thinks all this homework will help me better mature and grow up… great! I trust Him to know what’s best. But as of yet, I haven’t gotten any sign that God likes how homework is taking over my life.

That’s all I have to say for today. I hope you understand what I’m saying. This was a hard piece for me to write, and I hope it wasn’t too confusing. Thank you for reading.


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