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Jack fruit ---- 树菠萝 (图文)
送交者: 老广2 2007年03月17日22:45:34 于 [七荤八素] 发送悄悄话



Wet your knit, cut the fruit into half and then quarters. You would see
golden color jack fruits in between white strips stuff (membrane or whatever
you call it). Take out all the jack fruits and tear the golden color fruit
meat and eat it.

Inside the jack fruit is the seed. Don't throw them out. :-) You may plant
them if you would like but depends on where do you live. If you live in
a tropical area, then a few years latter you may have your own jack fruits,
who knows. :-) But if anywhere else, don't try. :-)

Anyhow, to eat jack fruit seeds, yeah, you bet, they are eatable, wash them
good and put in a pot, cover with water. Water level should be over the
seeds. Put on stove and boil them, just like the way you boil water. When
the water is boiled, put in some salt and then keep boiling for maybe 15
minutes. Then check and see if the seeds are open. Make sure most of them
are open if not all before you drain the water and let them cool. Then peel
off the shell, and then you are good to go. :-)

These, of course, are a couple of usual ways to enjoy them. Knowing the
basic, you can be creative as you wish.

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